BULLSH!T BINGO 2024 - Round 2

It’s funny that the first debate both sides agreed Trump smoked biden. This debate, republicans say that trump didn’t win and it was probably a draw (I agree) but dems say how amazing she did. lol tell me it wasn’t planned to get her in and biden out.
100%. She was their contingency plan when Biden failed. This debate was also 100% planned and practiced/scripted. It was totally obvious.
Trumps people are going to say he won comilas people are going to say she won blah blah blah. If this truly swayed your vote you’ve been living in a fantasy world.
At the end of the day if trump wins the dems are going to riot and burn shit and 4 more years of impeachment. If comila win the spineless right will bitch and moan but do nothing. At some point the economy will tank. And civil unrest will happen . Meanwhile our enemies are just sitting back waiting and watching.
It’s funny that the first debate both sides agreed Trump smoked biden. This debate, republicans say that trump didn’t win and it was probably a draw (I agree) but dems say how amazing she did. lol tell me it wasn’t planned to get her in and biden out.
It’s all planned.
100%. She was their contingency plan when Biden failed. This debate was also 100% planned and practiced/scripted. It was totally obvious.

Don't think this was a contingency at all, think this has been the plan all along to get her in - there is no other way in hell she'd be the nominee
if she actually had to run against anyone else - Gabbard absolutely smoked her in the 2020 debates.

Nope, they knew Biden was a shell so they just all lied about how sharp we was for the past two years until it was too late to have an actual primary and they annointed her to run. Hell up until July all you heard was how she was the most unpopular president of all time and then Trump got shot.
They had to rally fast to counter that, and boom, here we are
We can debate all we want, planned, not planned.... Trump vs Kamala... who will save us... all I know is we keep moving in the wrong direction. And my biggest concern is how much more freedom we are going to lose... Speech, 2A, Forced Jabs, Property, Small Business, Digital Currency... The New World Order Socialist Bullshit is happening right in front of our eyes.. and they will continue to divide us with Political Theatre and get half of this country (Democrats) to actually Vote for it....simply to soften the blow of the reality to come. This isn't about Republicans vs Democrats... It's about The NWO vs the Constitution. Maybe, just maybe when all Freedom is lost, people will wake up... unfortunately it will be too late.
We can debate all we want, planned, not planned.... Trump vs Kamala... who will save us... all I know is we keep moving in the wrong direction. And my biggest concern is how much more freedom we are going to lose... Speech, 2A, Forced Jabs, Property, Small Business, Digital Currency... The New World Order Socialist Bullshit is happening right in front of our eyes.. and they will continue to divide us with Political Theatre and get half of this country (Democrats) to actually Vote for it....simply to soften the blow of the reality to come. This isn't about Republicans vs Democrats... It's about The NWO vs the Constitution. Maybe, just maybe when all Freedom is lost, people will wake up... unfortunately it will be too late.
We can debate all we want, planned, not planned.... Trump vs Kamala... who will save us... all I know is we keep moving in the wrong direction. And my biggest concern is how much more freedom we are going to lose... Speech, 2A, Forced Jabs, Property, Small Business, Digital Currency... The New World Order Socialist Bullshit is happening right in front of our eyes.. and they will continue to divide us with Political Theatre and get half of this country (Democrats) to actually Vote for it....simply to soften the blow of the reality to come. This isn't about Republicans vs Democrats... It's about The NWO vs the Constitution. Maybe, just maybe when all Freedom is lost, people will wake up... unfortunately it will be too late.
You are right on and it’s some scary shit.
Trumps people are going to say he won comilas people are going to say she won blah blah blah. If this truly swayed your vote you’ve been living in a fantasy world.
At the end of the day if trump wins the dems are going to riot and burn shit and 4 more years of impeachment. If comila win the spineless right will bitch and moan but do nothing. At some point the economy will tank. And civil unrest will happen . Meanwhile our enemies are just sitting back waiting and watching.
Not sure what you’re seeing or watching or reading but I’m not seeing much where right or republican outlets are saying trump won.
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