Build Interuputted

Just got the word I am being released a little later today........
Now I just have to wait for my ride;)


AWSOME news!

Sent via Snow Flake in California
Get well soon. You probably don't feel lucky at this point but some of the alternative outcomes suck. Best wishes.
Great to see you are going home!:wings: Now here's to a speedy and full recovery:beer:
Well, I am home now and would like to thank everyone in the WayALife community for all the prayers they definitely helped;)

I will keep you all updated on how my recovery is going!!!!!
Well, I am home now and would like to thank everyone in the WayALife community for all the prayers they definitely helped;)

I will keep you all updated on how my recovery is going!!!!!

Keep us posted and we will continue praying for your healing and recovery.
I am trying to follow them as close as possible ;)

This not being able to drive yet is gonna drive me nuts though LOL
Went to my first follow up DRs appointment here in town, so they could check out the incision in my head today and BP and all that good stuff and am doing well.

Have an appointment on the 12th with my neuro doc will see how that turns out ;)
Went to the doc yesterday , it turned out to just be a check in and incision check with the nurses, will have to go back on the 23rd talk to the doc....... oh well, I am getting stronger everyday and not to mention my hair is growing back quick LOL

Well this will be the first big update since I left the hospital.

I went back to my neruoDoc today to find out some stuff and oh I did LOL

The test had came back on the tumor, the hospital I went to had even sent it to the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion (which impressed me more than a bit) and their report was that is was a class/stage 2 tumor with a "Favorable outlook"
When the Doc said "Favorable outlook" he gave me a big thumbs up which made me smile needless to say.........was starting to get nervous for a second as he was reading the Mayo's report to me LOL

With that all said I have to back in two weeks for another MRI, and he wants me into a actual Cancer Doc of his referral to start as he said some new/mild Chemo pills....... was also told that I will be off work for at least a YEAR (got that in writing too)

So the cliff notes version...... Tumor totally removed (follow MRI to check as much), tumor was stage 2 cancer with "Favorable outlook" since removal, got to do mild chemo ............and now to heal up get stronger and enjoy my new lease on life!!!!!
The out of work for a year is gonna suck as I have a new JK to feed but I will figure that out and get something in the works to deal with it some how.

The one cool thing I found when discussing things that I can do while heal, was I ask the doctor about me going out and shooting as it is a hobby of mine, well come to find out me NeuroDoc is also a gun nut ....... specificity a 1911/AR guy just like me........I have to say that I am in good hands, we spent the last 20 min of my app talking guns and comparing gun pics on our phones.

On another side note, since winter is coming and it tends to get a bit chilly around here and I still have peach fuzz for hair (and never know what the chemo will do to it) I pick up some to keep me warmer ....

Warning ugly mug.......

Oh and thanks for the stickers too EVO :rock:
I am also a .45/AR shooter, and would love to take you out hunting some paper targets - too bad you're not more local. Long range shooting is the most relaxing hobby I have.
Glad for the good news on your noggin.
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