Budget Lifts


New member
So my dad just put a 2.5/3 inch rough country lift on his 2014 jku and I think it would be perfect for my rig as well.

I am wondering what everyone would recommends as the best "budget boost" lift for my rig. I'm looking to do up to 3 inches but nothing less than 2 because I really want to obtain that aggressive look and I do not like the slope in my rig either.

I am running 295's so anything bigger than a 3inch lift would probably look bad. I have a 2008 Jeep Wrangler unlimited x 3.8 v6 and I was thinking that upgrading my shocks along with the lift wouldn't be so bad of an idea considering my rig has 120k miles on it.

Thanks for the help as always!
They are pretty much all the same, You will get the same ride quality out of all of them usually. The only difference is the brand really, some will also be more complete than others.
As mentioned, most of your budget boost lifts are the same. Some use a metal spacer instead of a poly spacer. I really cant say if the metal is better than the poly or vise versa. I will say that you should try to find the most in a kit if that is what you need. Example being shocks or shock adapters, brake line relocate kits or brake lines, at least new rear sway bar end links so you can move the rear links up front unless you get new ones all around. Etc. Plus with a budget boost you are more than likely always able to find somebody to sell it to if/when you decide to go taller.
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