BrankZ thread

Race? I don't recall bringing race into anything.

By "other side" I meant anyone who doesn't agree with you politically. Well, not "you" specifically, but I'm sure you get my meaning.

Gotcha. The "other side" comment is where I was a little confused. To me, this is not a matter of political affiliation, race, or anything more than people disrespecting the flag and what it stands for. These acts, in conjunction with the riots, are where this particular protest and what it stands for loses any and all credibility. Not that I agree with the basis of their movement, but when you disrespect the symbol and foundation that gives you the right to promote the very change you're after, and destroy the city that you are trying to improve, it simply makes you an idiot.
Gotcha. The "other side" comment is where I was a little confused. To me, this is not a matter of political affiliation, race, or anything more than people disrespecting the flag and what it stands for. These acts, in conjunction with the riots, are where this particular protest and what it stands for loses any and all credibility. Not that I agree with the basis of their movement, but when you disrespect the symbol and foundation that gives you the right to promote the very change you're after, and destroy the city that you are trying to improve, it simply makes you an idiot.

I second that!
That's because training >*

That's one of the few things I miss from SWAT practices, that and my brothers. I still train like them on my own time now. Fortunately, I haven't seen anything like this down here lately. Having family members that are still active duty law enforcement and military, nothing makes me more sick to my stomache.
Gotcha. The "other side" comment is where I was a little confused. To me, this is not a matter of political affiliation, race, or anything more than people disrespecting the flag and what it stands for. These acts, in conjunction with the riots, are where this particular protest and what it stands for loses any and all credibility. Not that I agree with the basis of their movement, but when you disrespect the symbol and foundation that gives you the right to promote the very change you're after, and destroy the city that you are trying to improve, it simply makes you an idiot.

Believe it or not, I agree with that. I hate partisan politics. It shouldn't be a factor but usually is.
I see flag desecration as stupid and extremely disrespectful. It's just something people do to try to get attention. I respect my flag, I display it properly, and I fold it properly when it isn't being flown.
I personally do have a problem with others threatening violence simply because they don't agree with someone else's opinion. I see it as hypocritical, sophomoric, and frankly, an assault to what the Constitution stands for.
Express your opinion, do it proudly and loudly if you must, but as you said, the moment you or anyone brings violence into something, your cause becomes weakened, and it must be understood that freedom of speech applies to all of us, not just those who agree with us.
Believe it or not, I agree with that. I hate partisan politics. It shouldn't be a factor but usually is.
I see flag desecration as stupid and extremely disrespectful. It's just something people do to try to get attention. I respect my flag, I display it properly, and I fold it properly when it isn't being flown.
I personally do have a problem with others threatening violence simply because they don't agree with someone else's opinion. I see it as hypocritical, sophomoric, and frankly, an assault to what the Constitution stands for.
Express your opinion, do it proudly and loudly if you must, but as you said, the moment you or anyone brings violence into something, your cause becomes weakened, and it must be understood that freedom of speech applies to all of us, not just those who agree with us.

Agreed 100%
That's because training >*

That's one of the few things I miss from SWAT practices, that and my brothers. I still train like them on my own time now. Fortunately, I haven't seen anything like this down here lately. Having family members that are still active duty law enforcement and military, nothing makes me more sick to my stomache.

A big thank you to you for your time protecting your community.
Just read this whole thing and I just want to say that you can disagree with what is going on in this country. Hell I do a lot... But stepping on our flag does not constitute free speech in my mind.

It doesn't solve anything.

It only creates hatred and distracts from the issues that actually plague our country. We aren't savages and those people stepping on our flag should understand that this kind of behavior doesn't solve anything.
It's ignorance and stupidity at its finest. These people have no clue what the flag represents nor do they care. It truly disgusts me. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1430984959.825783.jpg
Thank god I haven't ran into any of these morons here cause i would probably end up in jail. One of the proudest moments I ever had was hoisting that flag up on our outpost in the middle of Kandahar city Afghanistan..... It's a feeling not many people get to experience....
Stepping on the flag doesn't make you an activist or a protester it makes u an asshole.

Absolutely it does. I say, anyone that doesn't respect our flag, our nation, and our ideology, all politics aside, can go pick some other country of their choosing to live in. Maybe that country's welfare system will provide them with section 8 housing, SNAP cards, and an auto allowance to purchase an Escalade.
Thank god I haven't ran into any of these morons here cause i would probably end up in jail. One of the proudest moments I ever had was hoisting that flag up on our outpost in the middle of Kandahar city Afghanistan..... It's a feeling not many people get to experience....

Totally agree.

I guess I'm one of the few who understand your experience. I had one of the proudest moments of my life and one of the biggest honors in my life thus far when I was offered the opportunity to raise one of the 2 flags over the American Cemetery in Normandy. I will never forget that or the indescribable feeling I had doing it.


The flag on the right, closest to the beach.

One thing you will never see is a grave marker in such a place of honor for any one of those "protesters".
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