BlackKnight's Commando Build

Been a long time waiting on Updates:

Here is the new brake system.

And installed.
I also just got a steal on 5x 35"s on Steel rims. They just came off a jeep that moved to 37"s after buying the 35"s. Will be a bit before they are installed as I Either have to go up a bit or Cut fenders (or order up some Tube fenders) before they go on.


I also did some Cold weather mods. Meaning I couldn't do anything else, but could do this in my garage Mods LOL.
I'll pop those up in a few minutes, as I haven't snapped the pics in the daylight yet. as a preview description, I painted the Interior Accent pieces (Door Accents, AC vent rings, Oh Sh!t handle insert). I was going to order up a can of color matched paint ($30/can online), then I found that Rustoleum Satin Oregano ($4.50, hardware store) is nearly an exact match. So I picked up a couple cans...

Another "winter" project, is the Engine cowl. I saw that the silver on the 3.6 logo was starting to look bad. Almost looked like it flaked off in a section. So I sanded it a little to get some grip. Used some primer and I'm painting the whole thing. I'm made the former Silver, now black, and the black plastic will be Commando (actually the Oregano). It's starting to look pretty good, Got the black on, taped it up and now working on the main shell. In the end I think it will look real good...
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Ok, so here is the Cowl completed:

And here are some words of wisdom after the fact.

On the part that will be taped off:
1. Don't use the blue painters tape from the hardware store, Find a AutoBody and ask to buy a roll of tape.
The blue stuff allows seepage on the edges, and getting it off is a bitch as it tears constantly
2. Don't use a flat color because as you take the tape off the oils on your skin "shine" the flat, and any time you touch the paint with a finger nail it shows a mark that will not come up.

Other than that it looks good, and hell, it's going to be under the hood anyway LOL, It was just something fun to do...

Something I may try at another point... Painting it DigiFlage using the left over toolbox liner I have which is a grid of squares with every other one filled.
I was thinking that I could tape sections closed, some normal, and cut away some sections. tape it to the outside of the cowl, and use 3-4 different colors,
shifting the DigiFlage net each time I change color...

I'm thinking I could get something close to this, though the edges would be much less defined...
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Some new updates...

Just (Finally) did my grill. Black Plastidip and color matched grill inserts ...

I think it came out pretty good...
X2 on the color matched engine cover, might have to try that.

Getting the center taped after painting it was a real pain, If i had to do it again i'd do it opposite. Paint it all the main color and then go back to paint the second color. The edges came out pretty ugly up close from the taping job. You can see what I mean on the late afternoon pic on 02/05/16 a bunch of posts back (Look for the black blurs on the edges).
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OK, So I'm both a little pissed and depressed.

Went out today after making sure the grille was all setup. the extra hot glue was solid, and the plastic had cured enough to be hard. Checked the grill before and after a 45 minute drive to the Patriot's stadium (it's an away game day) so my wife an I could visit the Patriots Hall of Fame, and see the 4 trophies. Came out and saw two young guys and two girls near the jeep. They seemed to be taking turns sitting on the front bumper thing pictures. I figured no issue. As I start getting closer I unlocked the jeep, they jumped up and ran to their car and sped off. I'm figuring they thought I'd be pissed for sitting on the bumper. I get up close to the jeep and at first glance from the front, nothing looks wrong.


but as I started to head to the drivers door I realize why they ran.. They punched the new grill screens in...


I know without a doubt that they did it because I checked to make sure after arriving that they were ok, wanting to make sure that I left the glue setting up long enough (3 days). So much for my outlook on what young people are like now days. Back when I was younger if I popped one through by accident I'd be sorry and if the owner was coming I'd stop them and apologize, these kids after they pushed the first through, proceeded to push every one of them through...
Oh Yeah, Also, if you haven't noticed, No 35's. I went to pick them up and noticed some dry rot, not sure how considering they were almost brand new looking (found out they were 4 years old and just bare driven). I put them up to pressure and was getting them on the jeep and as I let the back down two of the tires starting loosing pressure almost as fast as the jack came down...

So the deal was not a very good deal. I'll have to wait till christmas to get my new ones now...
Santa brown arrived yesterday, Delivering the last part to my front bumper...
Skid was shipped last week, so already have some of the paint on, next step is to scuff it and hit it with rattle can bed liner.


Looking forward to Monday when I have some time scheduled in a bay to install them. Thanks to Drew and jake over at EVO for their help getting them delivered...
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