Black Bear Pass Accident

I don't know much about the area or the trail/pass but this seems like a rather drastic switch. Was it open to all vehicles before?

I also noticed the family that needed rescuing was from Florida, I'd imagine they stayed in a local hotel and ate at a local restaurant. I'd even go so far as to say the pass is why they had come there to begin with. If I am correct: "Hey Mr. Sheriff.... how about staffing and preparing for what is needed or trying to correct the issues rather than cop out and just make it go away!"
Probably in a rental jeep and never even used a 4 wheel drive vehical before. Thought hey this will be fun... I hope that everyone is ok. I hope they don't close it either. I will be there in about 5 days and was planning on running it.
Black Bear has been open for decades and there have been accidents. There was a time when it was scary and very dangerous. I've posted this pic before. That's scary and dangerous.
It's a different story today. Not that it's a freeway but it has been improved and is fairly safe.
Check out part 4 of the 2011 Colorado JK Experience. It captures the trail pretty accurately.
I just saw this article on facebook, written and posted by someone in the Landcruiser group that found them. It was a couple in a Polaris that rolled over when they were turning around just before the steps. They apparently spend months at a time in Colorado each year and had a fair bit of offroad experience, but were too far to the side when they tried to turn around.

Interestingly enough, this article makes it sound like the Sherrif's office did very little to help due to a "training session" they were in the middle of. Something isn't adding up between the two stories. It kinda sounds like the Sherrif's office is trying to use the incident as an excuse to close the trail.
"Tying up resources huh". Well Telluride is one of the most dangerous places to live. With all the gangs, drive-byes, and homicides to deal with it's pretty obvious trails like Black Bear put too much strain on these guys.
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Black Bear has been open for decades and there have been accidents. There was a time when it was scary and very dangerous. I've posted this pic before. That's scary and dangerous.
View attachment 157322
It's a different story today. Not that it's a freeway but it has been improved and is fairly safe.
Check out part 4 of the 2011 Colorado JK Experience. It captures the trail pretty accurately.

that's nuts!
I have been down Black Bear Pass four times and it is not that bad. The sheriff IMO needs to leave the trail alone and just do his job. It is not like they are doing anything else anyway. This is one of the most famous trails in the US. It is bound to bring substantial dollars to the Telluride economy.
Why are we trying to bubble-wrap our whole world? Life is a risk. I have been wheeling on this very trail for the last 8 years in a row. Yes, until recently I was in a rental (a JKR). And yes, it says right in the rental contract not to do this trail or Poughkeepsie Gulch, probably for a reason (how does this 4-wheel drive thing work?) So here's the thing: all of these jeep trails are the bread-and-butter of Ouray, Telluride, and all the other tiny towns in the area. All of the trails can be dangerous. You don't even have to leave the pavement to get into trouble (hwy 550 between Ouray and Silveryon) and go sliding down a mountain into a ditch. If the local authorities decide that they want to close that trail it will be a real shame. Also mr local sherif, why do you guys have all of those high-mountain rescue people? And, what else do they need to be doing? I guarantee that all the people that would want this trail shut down have never been down it. I am truly saddened by this. Accidents happen. That's why the authorities in that area have the training and equipment to deal with it. This makes me sad. 😢
Search and rescue ties up many resources. It is a weekly occurrence if not daily in my county. Most rescues are needed because of stupidity and poor judgment. Sadly this will not decrease because people are becoming more stupid and using poorer judgement.

I always think to myself that the sheriffs department should charge people for the rescue, unless it is truly unavoidable. People drive themselves to the hospital because ambulances cost so much. People would think twice about taking a dirtbike or vehicle into 10 feet of snow if they knew they were going to be charged $10,000.

It all comes back to the pussification of America.
Before you know it, Black Bear could become like Devils canyon in the movie "Bedeviled". Having grown up near Durango, my opinion is that Telluride could care less about the offroad crowd (motorcycles, razrs, jeeps) and this would be their excuse to close this historic trail. On the other hand, Ouray and Silverton welcome the offroad crowd.

A good solution would be charge a fee for the trail and put all money into the trail maintenance and rescue.

My .02
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