Soon after posting up pics and our video highlighting our Jeep Gladiator bombing across the desert and with its all new EVO Trailing Arms, I had a number of people reach out to me and ask, "does it still flex?" Or, "can it still rock crawl?" And, maybe I'm missing something but I'll let the following pics speak for themselves.
Twisting up the other way...
As you can see here, we installed a set of JK Antirock arms to help us address the lack of length issue we were having with the Gladiator arms that we initially got. This effectively helped to prevent the hyper-extending of the links.

Twisting up the other way...

As you can see here, we installed a set of JK Antirock arms to help us address the lack of length issue we were having with the Gladiator arms that we initially got. This effectively helped to prevent the hyper-extending of the links.