Better than coffee


Drove into work today with just the bikini top on and no doors for the first time. Going down the I-5 at 70 miles an hour with no doors or complete top, is better than coffee for waking you up.
Drove into work today with just the bikini top on and no doors for the first time. Going down the I-5 at 70 miles an hour with no doors or complete top, is better than coffee for waking you up.

it is a great feeling BUUTTTTT i cant move or function without my big cup every morning
Haha I did the same thing 60mph, sub 70deg, and the wet coastal air had be grabbing for the emergency hoodie!
I was bordering on depression when I had I reinstall the doors for my 30 mile commute this morning (thunderstorms all day).

Iced Chai from Starbucks woke me up...I can't handle coffee anymore. My Chai has more than double the caffeine of anything else on the menu, but it works like a 20 ounce 5-hour energy for me. First cup of coffee is ok, but by the second I'll get shaky
Nothing like the loud slapping of that passenger side seatbelt to wake you up!!!
Great feeling isn't it? Very tactile! I roll with my doors off as much as possible, even if the weather calls for scattered showers (which reminds me, I need to pull the carpet out this weekend)! I learned quickly that for me, its not necessarily about the top being off as much as having the doors off. My wife even takes my JK whenever its available; I think she's addicted too! I was starting to wonder about that damn passenger seat belt slapping all the time though. Thought it was just me or something. Never had that issue with any of my other Jeeps. Any way to fix that and still have a useable belt?? Sometimes it makes me want to shoot my damn self in the face!!
I was starting to wonder about that damn passenger seat belt slapping all the time though. Thought it was just me or something. Never had that issue with any of my other Jeeps. Any way to fix that and still have a useable belt?? Sometimes it makes me want to shoot my damn self in the face!!

If nobody is there, I have used small velcro straps and secured it to the rollbar. If you put them on a little loose, you can still use the seatbelt and it helps. I get lazy though, and/or forget and usually just put up with the slapping. Unless my wife says she's getting a headache from it.....
I was naked for a week just recently and the afternoons were perfect, mid 70's. However my morning commute was in the upper 30's, low 40's. That will wake you up! But yeah I had my cup of coffee with me the whole time too :D
Drove home from Disneyland one night after 1am closing. Got to the jeep and realized I had no sweaters for me and my wife. It was 40 that night. Oh yea, that kept us both wiiiide awake!
Drove home from Disneyland one night after 1am closing. Got to the jeep and realized I had no sweaters for me and my wife. It was 40 that night. Oh yea, that kept us both wiiiide awake!

Haha, the underside of the rear bench in my jku is packed solid with sweaters.
Haha, the underside of the rear bench in my jku is packed solid with sweaters.

Haha! Yea I do that too now. That was my wife's first experience with the doors off. She looooved the ride to Disney but haaaaated the ride back. When we got home we were so cold, we had to take a warm shower to melt the icicles. Learned our lesson, pack sweaters!
Reason number 359 not to go to Disney.

Reason number 360, it's insanely expensive! $100+ for one ticket. A family of 4 is $500+, not to mention food expenses + souvenirs that the kiddies may want + the gas it takes a jk to get there! For a family of 4 it gets close to 700$ or 800$. I can think of a few things I could get for the JK with that amount of money! 🙀
Well this morning I drove into work at 0430 in 46* Crisp morning air, topless of course, While drinking coffee it was truly awesome. I was literally smiling all 30miles to work, with my hands getting burned off by the heater... Lol :)

Well this morning I drove into work at 0430 in 46* Crisp morning air, topless of course, While drinking coffee it was truly awesome. I was literally smiling all 30miles to work, with my hands getting burned off by the heater... Lol :)

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Lol! I would be doing the same thing
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