Best time to buy a Jeep?


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I am currently looking for my first new Jeep. I kinda have a list of what I want. Was dealing with one salesman over the phone and I asked him what the best price he could give me. He said "whats on the sticker" Wouldnt budge. Is that normal when buying Jeeps? I know Scion dont negotiate and I heard Saturn didnt back in the day. Someone said it was possibly because its winter and 4x4 are in demand. Any thoughts? Ideas? Tips?
Don't know where you're located but here in GA I was able to get over 6k off the price of my '15 JKUR in September. From my experience looking in person has helped on pricing. I got up to walk out and then they started being more flexible.

Edit: I'm dumb and didn't see you're in Cincinnati
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When I bought mine I emailed/called every dealer within 1000+ miles. I then took the best offer to my local dealer who matched it...
Don't know where you're located but here in GA I was able to get over 6k off the price of my '15 JKUR in September. From my experience looking in person has helped on pricing. I got up to walk out and then they started being more flexible.

Edit: I'm dumb and didn't see you're in Cincinnati

This. ^^^^ Just act like you are going to walk out and I bet you'll get a much more accommodating salesman.
When I first started looking I ran into the same fence as you. Best word of advice sign up for Treadlightly. You will get 1% below invoice when you get the $100 membership (if I remember correctly) It also puts 2% back in the dealers pocket. Which is a win win for the both of you. I ended up getting 5.5% below invoice after digging around. Don't settle!!
When I first started looking I ran into the same fence as you. Best word of advice sign up for Treadlightly. You will get 1% below invoice when you get the $100 membership (if I remember correctly) It also puts 2% back in the dealers pocket. Which is a win win for the both of you. I ended up getting 5.5% below invoice after digging around. Don't settle!!

Yeah same... used tread lightly discount as my start point and negotiated from there. Dealer closest to my house didn't want to negotiate so I went else where and found one that did (I special ordered mine too) and very happy with what I got. Also end of the year is usually a good time to buy because they want to move units they have had for a while and close with a good year end; its also not the busiest time for dealers typically.
Christmas Eve an hour before the dealership closes is the best time they will be looking to make a deal real quick.
This. ^^^^ Just act like you are going to walk out and I bet you'll get a much more accommodating salesman.

Walking out is the best thing you can do if the deal is not good. I didn't like my sales price and they knocked it down until I got what I wanted.
I also pulled up KBB and Truecar to help out. And never accept their first offer, it usually is just as crappy as the sticker price
Keep looking for the load out and price you want. I spent about a month looking seriously (I went used) before I found exactly what I wanted, and for a fair price.

If your area is anything like mine, Jeeps are made of gold and hold their value like nothing else. The dealers I talked to weren't very flexible either (and for some reason most advertised vehicle load outs incorrectly).
Walking out is the best thing you can do if the deal is not good. I didn't like my sales price and they knocked it down until I got what I wanted.

Twice I've bought new and each time I used the same tactic. I went back and forth on the price and let them invest a couple hours into it. Even let them go so far as print out the paperwork and when it came time to sign, told them I wasn't comfortable with the price and got up to walk out. Worst thing that can happen is they don't give in and you go somewhere else.
Here in NC, they LOVE the Jeeps. About all you will see off the sticker over here is a grand if you're lucky. Out of 10 dealerships I checked, 9 of them offered 500 off, the other one offered 1,000 because it was a left over 2014. I found a steal on a 2012 that was a trade from and elderly couple. It had 12k miles on it.
If you've got good credit any time of year is good. Just be ready to walk if you don't get the price you want. Once you start heading for the door, the price comes down.
When I went to get my jeep I got a free alarm system, new tires, and a few thousand off for just being firm and using the "walk out" method. Also the price matching is good too normally a dealer will do whatever they can do make the sell happen!
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Im not giving up or giving in. I found out my credit union at work offers a better interest rate also than what they offered so Im going to check with them Monday. Still in the hunt. Merry Christmas!
End of the month is usually the best, helps them met their monthly sale goals. If you have a trade in, dont discuss it till the price of the jeep is where you want it. Same for cash down. Dont buy extended anything, extra randoms either. All can be bought later and cheaper. Also if it is your only vehicle it helps to add in a loaner/rental for the times you take it and and cant stay, that a big help!
Speeddmn is correct. I started two weeks before the end of April by calling the nations largest Jeep dealer for a good price. I took this to my local dealer and told him I would be back on the last day of the month and have one ready to go. Showed up at 5:30 and he knocked $4k off. Of course, let the, know u really don't have to have it and prepare to walk. The question to ask the sales person is if they are close to the bonus for the month. Your one deal could be worth a ton to them Good luck
Without reading through the entire thread, I would mention, dont tell them how much you want to spend per month or how much you intend to put down or trade in. they'll use that the get themselves the most out of the deal. research what you want and how much the invoice price is for that and then use that as a base for the price you want to pay. if you do finance at the dealer, when they say they got you the best possible interest rate, argue that down a little too. Even if it is low, they're still trying to make some extra bucks off you by raising it slightly above what they tell you is the lowest they can go.

I wouldnt bother with an extended warranty from Jeep if you plan to wheel or modify it, unless you plan on getting all Mopar parts. Yes there may be some "mod friendly" dealers, but I wouldn't bank on them taking care of you.
Don't ever pay that ridiculous number on the window sticker! Truecar is a good resource. I used usaa car buying which is same as truecar and found a dealer that went $500 under the best truecar price. Also demand to see the vehicle invoice. Most dealers are hesitant to show you the invoice, but internet sales departments at dealers usually will. Don't deal with the salesmen that hang out on the lot. Go to the internet sales department. You can get a good deal this way. Also if you do get a warranty the price of warranty is negotiable. Always bust their balls for a lower price. Oh ya and on the invoice you can see the actual value of the jeep and you can pay that price. Don't pay the holdback either. You will see holdback price listed on the invoice. You can get them to take that off. You should only pay the invoice number minus holdback or under. Hope this helps. Good luck!
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