:cheesy: Strongest by what? 2% was it? This of course coming from a company that came out with the "MONSTER" track bar which was touted as being the "biggest" and made out of "solid" steel so that it had to be the "strongest" and of course, it was cheaper than a lot of their competition. And you know what, I even fell for it. Back in the day, I ran them and told all my friends to run them and what did time tell us? Made in China parts BREAK!!
Then there's the HEAVY DUTY tire carrier TeraFlex tire carrier. These are still being sold with the crazy notion that the factory hinges are some how weak and how this is needed to carry a large heavy spare on your tailgate. Of course, we now know that these super beefy tire carriers have been seeing breaks too whereas I still have yet to see a single factory hinge break - Hmmmmm :thinking:
I simply cannot make this stuff up.
Time has a way of bringing out the truth in things and what time has shown me is that made in the USA Dyantrac axles are worth the extra couple of hundred bucks even if you've been able to mathematically determine them to be 2% not as strong as their made in China competitors. But then, that's just me. :yup: