Banks/Money Managment

This video is 26 minutes, but I will say damn worth watching. Especially if you're a real estate investor, or thinking of buying/selling soon.

Nice to watch a real estate agent tell the truth. So often they can become used car salesmen.
I've been payin attention to the evergande situation. I won't pretend that I know all about it. I know enough to be concerned by how it effects the global market. The shit show did not end in 2020, unfortunately.

commifornia forcing all business out, they will soon be setting up government owned replacements
they keep gambling with the same crystal ball hoping for a different outcome, "Interest rates would stay low forever", "Property values, already clearly in a bubble, would keep rising forever"

Before the subprime mortgage and housing crash, financial company told us we could qualify for far more than I felt comfortable with and used similar bullshit lines "it's interest only, your payment will stay low and when the mortgage comes due your income will have increased substantially, rates will stay steady for years, your home value will continue to increase well above what you're borrowing, your property taxes will drop as soon as they pass the current legislation" then the mortgage crisis hit and nothing went down except home values.
Several friends who bought into the bullshit had interest only loans, they walked away from their homes.

Every time I heard "your ...will..." I asked them to put it in the contract and how they would guarantee the outcome if their crystal ball failed to produce, they hated that. lol
they keep gambling with the same crystal ball hoping for a different outcome, "Interest rates would stay low forever", "Property values, already clearly in a bubble, would keep rising forever"

Before the subprime mortgage and housing crash, financial company told us we could qualify for far more than I felt comfortable with and used similar bullshit lines "it's interest only, your payment will stay low and when the mortgage comes due your income will have increased substantially, rates will stay steady for years, your home value will continue to increase well above what you're borrowing, your property taxes will drop as soon as they pass the current legislation" then the mortgage crisis hit and nothing went down except home values.
Several friends who bought into the bullshit had interest only loans, they walked away from their homes.

Every time I heard "your ...will..." I asked them to put it in the contract and how they would guarantee the outcome if their crystal ball failed to produce, they hated that. lol
I remember back around 2007. I just had this weird feeling like Neo from the matrix. Something wasn't right and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I looked around at culture and everything and everyone was living this great perfect dream but there was no realistic substance to it. I remember asking myself 'How is this working?' Shortly after was the crash. And the system (matrix) didn't fix shit. Here we are 15 years later. And it's worse. Nothing fixed. We are living in the making of history right now. It takes a mid six figure income right now for a basic family to afford an average home in most of America. And this is just the residential part.
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