Bandoola - Moab Roll-over


Caught the Bug
OK, here's the details and pictures of the roll-over on "High-Dive" this past April at Moab.
I was on the trail "Behind The Rocks" with a group of very experienced drivers, extremely capable rigs, and an excellent spotter. This was my 3rd trip to Moab, and honestly I had avoided this trail in the past because of the hazards described in the trail guide. But, what better way to gain some experience than with a group like this. We made our way to "High Dive"; several of the obstacles I encountered enroute required repeated attempts - but with each of those I was gaining experience and confidence in my rig. We got to "High Dive" and the spotter went first. I observed the use of ropes to control his descent, but it obviously didn't make a strong enough impression. I watched as several others successfully made their way down the obstacle and when I heard, "Who's next?" I heard my mouth say, "Me". In retrospect, my jeep is stretched - but it's still only102". A rope might not have been a bad idea. I pulled the straps of my 5 point harness as tight as they would go and rolled forward. Reaching the edge, the angel on my right should was whispering, "This might not be a good idea", while the devil on the left was saying, "Remember, as the french say, Pas de balles - pas de médailles aériennes". Translation - "No balls - no air medals". Atlas - front and rear in low, SM420 in 1st, I lined up on the spotter. No throttle and foot on the brake I was making my way about 2/3 of the way down and I felt the brake pedal mush to the floor, simultaneously I felt the rig accelerate, heard the spotter say, "Slower", and pumped the brake pedal as hard as I could. I heard the pop as the pedal went to the floor, saw the drop, saw the spotter, yelled "NO BRAKES", and signaled for him to get out of the way. The jeep dropped, rolled left - I saw the windshield hit and crack, and then rest was feeling the jeep roll around me. It was relatively slow and smooth, the only jolt was when it landed on the right side. I pulled the kill pin but it didn't kill the engine. I could hear the guys yelling, "Shut it off, shut it off". With the kill pin in my hand, I had to locate the fuel correct pump switch and turn it off. (Note: those switches are in an sPod located overhead, and when covered with dust are difficult to ascertain which is on. Those will be changed in a future mod)
If memory is correct, the first to arrive were the spotter, and my friend Art Crofts. They both asked if I was ok and assured me I was not on fire and not leaking fuel - comforting info when you're laying on your side and strapped in so tight you cant move. Art told me to stay put and replied, "That's not going to be a problem". Art, his son Brian, and others winched me back upright and helped me out of the rig.
At this point I need to say thank you to all who helped me, and showed a genuine concern for my well being.
The rig was surveyed and the offending brake line located. Actually, I think some of the guys knew because they were standing next to it when it failed.
Something you will see in the pictures, there's no debris field - nothing flew out or off the rig. It doesn't resemble the "Yard Sale" look you see after so many other roll-overs. Every piece of equipment or accessory in my rig is either bolted or strapped in place. There are flush mounted tie down rails and Mac's built a custom set of straps for my gear. The owner of Mac's was there - once he made certain I was ok, he took pictures of all the gear - securely held in place. There's a National Luna Fridge/freezer as well - it stayed put.
IMG_9018.jpegSpotter is telling me to slow down, I feel the pedal fade and pump it hard.

IMG_9019.jpeg Brake line failed, jeep slid down the steep rock and the left front tire hooked up in that gap on the right side. My left arm is out to wave at the spotter and others to get out of the way. I had it back inside when the windshield hit.

IMG_9020.jpeg The contact points here are the stinger, left side of the hood, and the windshield. My arm is safely inside.

IMG_9021.jpegRotating off the stinger and the roof rack.

IMG_9022.jpegContinuing to rotate on the stinger, roof rack appears to be clear.

IMG_9023.jpegComing down on the roof rack. The momentum is carrying the jeep forward and it's about to roll onto the right side.

IMG_9024.jpegComing down on the right side.

IMG_9025.jpegThis is where the right rear corner hits. You can see some of the damage to the left side windshield.

IMG_9026.jpegThis is pretty much where it came to rest.

I'll post the damage pictures in another post.
Holy Hell man so sorry to hear it! Glad you're ok and that badass CJ of yours appears to be alright too. Best of luck to you when you roll up to it again brother 👍
Damage photos:

Ok - close your eyes and imagine what damage might have occurred before you look at the actual photos.

Overall view from the front. Roof rack - racked, windshield - left corner, hood and fender dented. There's a scuff on the slider.IMG_3319.jpegIMG_3327.jpeg
Left hood and fender, right rock slider - looks like parking lot rash on the slider


Right rear corner.

That is the extent of the damage.
Here's a picture of the jeep after it was righted. If you are in this picture, or were there - please add your name(s) to this post. I really appreciate all the help given, and concern expressed. You were/are a great bunch of guys.IMG_9037.jpeg
Ouch man! I’m glad you’re ok. That final drop off is pretty big. I’ve always put my driver tire on that white rock and come off the easier way to the passenger side. It’s not as hard as the way you came down. I’m too scared to come down the way you tried. I’m glad all is well!
Yep - that's my left arm, on the downward act of waving the spotter to get out of the way. I believe it says that in the original post. There's more room between my arm and the rocks then the picture shows. Since I stated my arm back inside before the jeep made contact and would prefer to ask rather than assume - are you pointing it out because your initial reaction was for the safety of my arm and you posted before you read the caption. You think everyone else missed it? It comes with your title of Resident Smartass? (I don't know the rules)
If I was forced to assume - I'm afraid I'd assume something completely different.
If you're concern is for my arm - I appreciate it and agree it looks a lot scarier in this photo than when I waved to the spotter.
It does make you think arm restraints doesn't it?
Yep - that's my left arm, on the downward act of waving the spotter to get out of the way. I believe it says that in the original post. There's more room between my arm and the rocks then the picture shows. Since I stated my arm back inside before the jeep made contact and would prefer to ask rather than assume - are you pointing it out because your initial reaction was for the safety of my arm and you posted before you read the caption. You think everyone else missed it? It comes with your title of Resident Smartass? (I don't know the rules)
If I was forced to assume - I'm afraid I'd assume something completely different.
If you're concern is for my arm - I appreciate it and agree it looks a lot scarier in this photo than when I waved to the spotter.
It does make you think arm restraints doesn't it?
I didn’t read the post. Too many words.
I was a few Jeeps behind and in the first picture I was to Jim’s left watching from the top as you descended the obstacle. I was amazed you were not injured and that the damage to your Jeep was not more substantial. The guys got you flipped back over pretty quickly.

There was a very well restored classic Toyota FJ Cruiser that decided to take the bypass after your endo- I really don’t blame him! I don’t remember seeing him after that, however it may have just been because he was farther ahead of me.

After your Jeep was righted and the line started to move again my friend who was riding with me looked at me and stated:

“Discretion is the better part of valor buddy. If it was my Jeep I’d take the bypass.” 🤣😂

I looked at him and told him to get in the Jeep and hold on. For a minute he hesitated, however he got in. I’m pretty sure he wanted to walk the obstacle, however he knew I’d never stop talking shit about him if he did. 😂🤣

Glad to see you were not injured and that the damage was not too bad. You have a great looking rig. Hope to see you on the trail next EJS
I was a few Jeeps behind and in the first picture I was to Jim’s left watching from the top as you descended the obstacle. I was amazed you were not injured and that the damage to your Jeep was not more substantial. The guys got you flipped back over pretty quickly.

There was a very well restored classic Toyota FJ Cruiser that decided to take the bypass after your endo- I really don’t blame him! I don’t remember seeing him after that, however it may have just been because he was farther ahead of me.

After your Jeep was righted and the line started to move again my friend who was riding with me looked at me and stated:

“Discretion is the better part of valor buddy. If it was my Jeep I’d take the bypass.” 🤣😂

I looked at him and told him to get in the Jeep and hold on. For a minute he hesitated, however he got in. I’m pretty sure he wanted to walk the obstacle, however he knew I’d never stop talking shit about him if he did. 😂🤣

Glad to see you were not injured and that the damage was not too bad. You have a great looking rig. Hope to see you on the trail next EJS
Thanks. The guy in the FJ is a friend and part of a group which included the guy who preceded me down the obstacle and winched me upright. When he saw what happened to me - he took the bypass.
Thanks. The guy in the FJ is a friend and part of a group which included the guy who preceded me down the obstacle and winched me upright. When he saw what happened to me - he took the bypass.

It was a nice rig and I would have done the same.
Ouch man! I’m glad you’re ok. That final drop off is pretty big. I’ve always put my driver tire on that white rock and come off the easier way to the passenger side. It’s not as hard as the way you came down. I’m too scared to come down the way you tried. I’m glad all is well
Thanks. Yeah - studying it in that first frame, it appears to be as deep as my jeep is long. That's the point where the brakes failed The front tires went on either side of that big white rock and down and over I went. Not saying I'd try it again, but if you're there - maybe.
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