Back seat is really uncomfortable.


Caught the Bug
I've been looking at getting a new vehicle and the JKU is an option.

I just can't believe a car company would make the back seat so uncomfortable, especially for a SUV with 4 doors. My 2 door Golf has better back seats.

So my question is, is this normal?
One good thing you will be driving it and won't have to worry about it.:cheesy:

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Haha, I know. Just it would be the people/luggage hauler for me and my friends when we go snowboarding. I just don't want to hear all their complaints.

Either way, I'm most likely set on getting a jku.

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I've never sat in the back so I don't know first hand, but I have had a lot of people back there and they have never complained. In fact, I have had two couples enjoy the ride back there so much (trail ride) that the bought a Jeep for themselves within the week.
I've made it a point to ask my back street riders and explain that I have heard complaints on the forums and want their honest opinions. Most have said that it isn't uncomfortable but a couple people have said that the seats backs would be better if they were leaned back a little more.
They are a little harder to enter on a lifted Jeep but other than that I've had people back there on 10 hour rides and haven't had significant complaints
I agree... I wish they reclined some. The hum of the tires puts my youngest to sleep and he always wakes up in neck pain cuz his head flopped over.

Yeah, I saw a write up some dang place that explained how to get the back seats tilted a bit but it wasn't as easy as you would think
I'll have to hunt it down again later today. I'll post a link if I can find the article
There is a mod for that! Just add how many “washers” to the bolts that are under the seat, where the tube starts to curb into the back area the bolt on the bottom.

There are a total of three bolts, that you must do this too.

I put in 1/2” and it makes it a lot more confortable.

I hope this was easy enough to understand I’m out of the country so I can’t take pictures to make a write up.
Yeah, I saw a write up some dang place that explained how to get the back seats tilted a bit but it wasn't as easy as you would think
I'll have to hunt it down again later today. I'll post a link if I can find the article

someone did it on here not to long ago. they used some washers to get a 3" lean backwards. let me see if i can dig it up for you
There is a mod for that! Just add how many “washers” to the bolts that are under the seat, where the tube starts to curb into the back area the bolt on the bottom.

There are a total of three bolts, that you must do this too.

I put in 1/2” and it makes it a lot more confortable.

I hope this was easy enough to understand I’m out of the country so I can’t take pictures to make a write up.

Thanks Rusty, that's all you had to do? I thought I remembered something that was needed to get the seats to fold down properly. Not sure though, it's been awhile since I read about it
Over the years I've owned some CJ's with back seats. Believe me, the JKU's backseat is limo heaven compared to the past. A couple of rules I follow. No highway trips with a full backseat that can be best undertaken with a car. Moderate off road with folks in the back. They'll enjoy it if they are briefed in advance, especially if you climb something others are having trouble with. The longest trip I've taken with a full backseat is from the motel to the trail and back. After that would be to the airport. No worries!:twocents:
Yeah, this has been an annoyance to many since the day the JK came out back in 2006 and, the adding washers will do the trick great and for cheap. Don't bother wasting your money on some kit that a company makes.
I think the washer idea is a good one for adults... but when I tried this I only moderately helped my son's neck issue and added a leg issue. Kicking the front of the seat up caused his legs to go to sleep. So I had to put it back down without washers. I know some will chastise me, but we just let him lay down back there now.
What are you trying to do in the back seat? If it's driving your in the wrong spot, to one seat forward. If it's something else put a blanket down for her and call it a day.
I think the bigger complaint is how there is no support in the middle and it just sinks in. That's just ridiculous beyond belief!!
how dare you make sure your son is comfortable! :crazyeyes::cheesy:

I know right :doh: I rode coast to coast on the rear dash of an Oldsmobile Cutlass Rally 350. But today it's not safe to let a kid out of a booster seat until they are married :crazyeyes: Don't get me wrong, I want my kid safe but things have gotten a little extreme IMO.
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