Caught the Bug
Hello! New member here!
I have a 2015 JKUR HR. I bought it used with about 8k miles 3 months ago. I have been noticing that it is running a bit hotter than usual sine last week. I checked the coolant reservoir this morning and it is an inch above the minimum level. I wanted to top it off but decided to check the forums to find the best coolant for it. Thank god I did! After checking the type of coolant I have. It is definately orange when drawing and putting in a clear container. How acute is the reaction when HOAT and OAT are mixed? I do not see any sludge or anything unusal in both radiator and reservoir. Is it a good idea to get the system flushed? Thanks for this informative thread.
Have the dealer top it off and tell them to verify which fluid is in there, so that the responsibility is on them IF your cooling system develops issues. Don't do it yourself otherwise they will just blame you.