Arthur the brave

Good day every one. This is way off topic, but I'm looking for some help.
We have never had a Jeep Forum in South Africa, so I decided to try kicking one off. The problem is that until we have some content for people to read about, it is going to be a long slow process. Obviously we won't be any competition with Wayalife as this place is tops, but maybe a registration and a little visit once in a while from you guys would assist me in getting the thing off the ground.
The South African Jeep guys would find all your posts and pics extremely interesting.
Check it out here.

Many thanks in advance.
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Good day every one. This is way off topic, but I'm looking for some help.
We have never had a Jeep Forum in South Africa, so I decided to try kicking one off. The problem is that until we have some content for people to read about, it is going to be a long slow process. Obviously we won't be any competition with Wayalife as this place is tops, but maybe a registration and a little visit once in a while from you guys would assist me in getting the thing off the ground.
The South African Jeep guys would find all your posts and pics extremely interesting.
Check it out here.

Many thanks in advance.

Yeah how about no? Don’t post that shit here. You have been here long enough and pumping your rhino shit only to know better. Don’t post that shit here. That is in fact direct competition with WAYALIFE.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Thanks for that.
I guess "my Rhino shit" doesn't interest a "resident smart ass", but it obviously does interest a few of your many members.
It would be really stupid of me to think that any members of Wayalife would make a South African forum their home when conditions, circumstances and just about everything else does not apply to them, equally, your fear that it could ever be remotely considered competition is just as stupid.
Go ahead and delete the post if it offends you.
Thanks for that.
I guess "my Rhino shit" doesn't interest a "resident smart ass", but it obviously does interest a few of your many members.
It would be really stupid of me to think that any members of Wayalife would make a South African forum their home when conditions, circumstances and just about everything else does not apply to them, equally, your fear that it could ever be remotely considered competition is just as stupid.
Go ahead and delete the post if it offends you.

Get butthurt all you want. It’s in the rules you agreed to when you signed up. Go reread them if you need to. It’s a Jeep forum, it’s competition. Plain and simple. Tell your buddies to join here and post up here. You seem to post here and are just fine with it, why can’t you other African buddies post here?

And so it isn’t missed, I’m don’t get offended and especially not by people like you.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Good day every one. This is way off topic, but I'm looking for some help.
We have never had a Jeep Forum in South Africa, so I decided to try kicking one off. The problem is that until we have some content for people to read about, it is going to be a long slow process. Obviously we won't be any competition with Wayalife as this place is tops, but maybe a registration and a little visit once in a while from you guys would assist me in getting the thing off the ground.
The South African Jeep guys would find all your posts and pics extremely interesting.
Check it out here.

Many thanks in advance.

Yes it's competition and any thing even remotely close to that needs to be run by Eddie and Cindy rather than posting it here on the open forum.
My sincere apologies for upsetting members on this forum. As has been said it is in the rules and I should have paid more attention to them.
Eddie and Cindy probably won't see this, but my apologies to them just the same.
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