Artec truss and gussets

Thats right I am all about the cool factor. I bought it because trusses work not because they look cool as you stated. Funny you seem to be able to read me and you do not have a friggen clue who I am. Funny I read you to and I have come to my own conclusion.

I was not directly talking about you. But if the shoe fits.

If not, who are you? Who am I ?
Another vote for the truss here. We pulled and welded my 44 and built a jig with no issues. I made the choice based on the fact that I managed to bend the 30 on my last JK even with sleeves.

Everything can be done wrong even installing some Evo sleeves :)

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No Eddie what I did was sell the axles that were under my Jeep for JKX 2012 which had the sleeve. I then purchased another set of axles out of a 2012 rubicon which had a Tereflex big brale kit as well as 5:13 installed. After selling my diffs total cost out of my pocket was $1000. I figured for that price I could not go wrong. Before I installed the new diffs, that is when i installed the truss. Hope that makes sense (it does in my head while I am writting it)

So, I'm confused, you said that you've installed 3 sets of sleeves. I get that you may have had sleeves in your old axle and that you bought one with sleeves in it already but you make no mention of the last axle. Are you now saying that you only installed 2 sleeves and that the last one just got a truss? Sorry, none of it makes sense. Can you please just say yes or no? Did you have sleeves installed before you welded on your truss?
Another vote for the truss here. We pulled and welded my 44 and built a jig with no issues. I made the choice based on the fact that I managed to bend the 30 on my last JK even with sleeves.

Everything can be done wrong even installing some Evo sleeves :)

Sleeves won't prevent bending. At least, I have yet to see it. Trusses can prevent further bending but, like I said, I've seen more bent axles after they've been sleeved than not. This is not to say that some look good, JeepFan on the forum is one of them, just that more times than not, they will cause some bending. It is for this reason that I personally recommend not throwing any money at factory axles and just saving up for something like a PR44.
So, I'm confused, you said that you've installed 3 sets of sleeves. I get that you may have had sleeves in your old axle and that you bought one with sleeves in it already but you make no mention of the last axle. Are you now saying that you only installed 2 sleeves and that the last one just got a truss? Sorry, none of it makes sense. Can you please just say yes or no? Did you have sleeves installed before you welded on your truss?

Let me see if this works:

Original Rubi axle in my Jeep I sleeved
New axle I purchased Not sleeved I trussed it instead
Second set I installed was a sleeve kit in my son Chris's 08 Rubi
I then installed a sleeve kit in a friends Rubi that we wheel with as he does not have a welder and I do. (The local shops wanted to charge him an arm and a leg to weld it)

That would be a total of three sleeve kit that I have installed. I never said that installed all three kits in my Jeep, sorry if It sounded like that.
Let me see if this works:

Original Rubi axle in my Jeep I sleeved
New axle I purchased Not sleeved I trussed it instead
Second set I installed was a sleeve kit in my son Chris's 08 Rubi
I then installed a sleeve kit in a friends Rubi that we wheel with as he does not have a welder and I do. (The local shops wanted to charge him an arm and a leg to weld it)

That would be a total of three sleeve kit that I have installed. I never said that installed all three kits in my Jeep, sorry if It sounded like that.

Like I said, I was just trying to clarify it. If you got yours on and it's all golden to you, what can I say, you're awesome.

To everyone else out there who may not be as awesome, I have seen trusses to bend axles during installation and all I'm saying is that you should be aware of it. If you want to take a chance anyway, it's your Jeep and you should do what you want with it. I just put this out there just in case you might want to know.
Like I said, I was just trying to clarify it. If you got yours on and it's all golden to you, what can I say, you're awesome.

To everyone else out there who may not be as awesome, I have seen trusses to bend axles during installation and all I'm saying is that you should be aware of it. If you want to take a chance anyway, it's your Jeep and you should do what you want with it. I just put this out there just in case you might want to know.

Can you tell my boss that Eddie, maybe i can get a raise out of it. LOL
Thank You, you got it. I was going for humor but I guess I missed it. (Canadian humor must be different)

'I don't know'. Could be Canadian. Classic!! If any didn't follow, google "who's on first." Why? you might ask....Because!!

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
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I said, I raise the terd flag, but close enough. Seems like you're an attention whore for even bringing this up.

You are giving the average JK home mechanic hope they can do this at home and not bend their axle tubes. If you really gave a shit about them and not cared about giving yourself a pat on the back. You would tell them not to install a truss or let anyone install one on their jeeps. After all, if you really had to go through all this to make sure it's not bent, do you really think anyone could do this or know how?

If someone is sold on beefing up the tubes, install a sleeve. It's simple and is almost idiot proof.

First, LOL. I'm far from an attention whore. I'm way too busy with life and two wonderful kids that love to see the world in THEIR jeep to try to seek approval from people I've never met. I am unsure how me giving someone that is bouncing around a project idea in the forum a vote of confidence is somehow patting myself on the back...

Second, in your words above, you exemplify my point exactly. It's the abrasiveness towards others that upsets me. I'm not going to stoop to your level of name-calling. I only expressed that I found it to be a bummer that innumerous times I read a post where an average guy tried to post something they were proud they accomplished and it got shit on verbally. Not in a "hey, that's cool, but I would have done it a little differently.." kind of way, but more in a "you're an asshat for even considering that, and I'm gonna publically berate you for it..." kind of tone. I'm not saying everyone does it that way, but there are several.

Third, I never said that the average guy with a 30 dollar tool set could weld on a truss. All I was trying to say was that, in my opinion, it could be done if you plan well and have a good grasp on the mechanics of things like this.

PLEASE READ: I apologize if I offended anyone. When I got my Jeep, I was terribly excited to see this community that seemed to pull together so often to help one another. I joined Wayalife because I wanted to share that with my explore the country, share time wrenching with them, etc. They watch Eddie and Cindy's videos daily. Hell, my 2 year old just fell asleep on me while asking to watch a video again! Despite the allegations that have been made toward me regarding my fun brake project and as seen with the posts above that I am an "attention whore", there is nothing that could be farther from the truth. Those that actually know me could vouch otherwise. I just wanted something to share with my kids, and felt I needed to politely express a concern after increasingly often having to explain to my 8 year old, that LOVES to read the forums and learn new stuff, why people were being called names, arguing, etc. And I know that comment is inviting a host of "well then don't let your kid read a forum with posts like that..." remarks.

Sorry for being apparently too optimistic and supportive. My intent was never to mislead people that they could tackle things that they didn't have the abilities to do. Good luck to all, thank you for all of your shared wisdom, and hope you all stay safe.
Wow, this thread turned into something else. Not really sure what to even type so I'll just stop.
This post has inspired me. My artec truss should arrive today. I'll make a write up complete with feeler guage measurements during the process. I do have sleeves installed already so that might not be a perfect control for our experiment but it should also be repeatable for others.
I'll weld it in on Saturday.
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