Are you normally this acquisitory & call people derogatory names

J. Dub

Stop pimping your youtube channel here jackwad.
Would you prefer I give one sentence answers then OP can ask what all does it do. Then I can post again with answers to his question.
Then he asks what does it look like and round and round we go or just do what I did above and simply put a video that he can check out?
Would you prefer I give one sentence answers then OP can ask what all does it do. Then I can post again with answers to his question.
Then he asks what does it look like and round and round we go or just do what I did above and simply put a video that he can check out?
You were pimping your channel on other threads too. Please revisit the rules you agreed to when you signed up.
You were pimping your channel on other threads too. Please revisit the rules you agreed to when you signed up.
What you two keep calling pimping is me answering OP's questions in those threads. And this one.
So, what I am understanding by the resident members in this forum (you & @OverlanderJK ) is that I can answer questions as long as there is no youtube link involved.
Is that assumption correct?

Only photos and letters allowed on here?
What you two keep calling pimping is me answering OP's questions in those threads. And this one.
So, what I am understanding by the resident members in this forum (you & @OverlanderJK ) is that I can answer questions as long as there is no youtube link involved.
Is that assumption correct?

Only photos and letters allowed on here?
Grow up. You're trying to pimp your youtube channel that you are trying to grow and got caught. Just deal with it and move on.
What you two keep calling pimping is me answering OP's questions in those threads. And this one.
So, what I am understanding by the resident members in this forum (you & @OverlanderJK ) is that I can answer questions as long as there is no youtube link involved.
Is that assumption correct?

Only photos and letters allowed on here?
It's one thing to post a link to a YouTube channel in reference of something. It's another to try to direct people to a channel you created to get views of your content. Accept responsibility for what you were caught doing (the latter) and move on. Also I'd never buy a crap Chinese radio from Amazon. By a name brand quality radio from a reputable source like Crutchfield. They have great support too.
Grow up. You're trying to pimp your youtube channel that you are trying to grow and got caught. Just deal with it and move on.
Are you normally this acquisitory & call people derogatory names like "jackwad" while simultaneously telling them to grow up or is it only w/ the new members on this forum from the comfort & safety of your home knowing you'll never meet these people in real life?
Because I understand trying to educate a new member, like myself, that youtube links are frowned upon but your name calling doesn't seem called for.
As for pimp my youtube, as you put it: I had answers to each thread I replied to w/ a link to a video. I can see it being pimping if I am asking for subs or likes or replying to threads I have no business replying to. I would understand your concern at that point.
Also I'd never buy a crap Chinese radio from Amazon. By a name brand quality radio from a reputable source like Crutchfield. They have great support too.
Classic response to something you've never personally tried. I'm happy to let you try mine out to see how you like it.
I was put off at first by it being a no name brand.
Lastly, nearly all head units are made in China.
No not classic, just familiar with most Chinese products on Amazon. QC is shit and most of it is like snowflakes, no two are ever made the same.
Are you normally this acquisitory & call people derogatory names like "jackwad" while simultaneously telling them to grow up or is it only w/ the new members on this forum from the comfort & safety of your home knowing you'll never meet these people in real life?
Because I understand trying to educate a new member, like myself, that youtube links are frowned upon but your name calling doesn't seem called for.
As for pimp my youtube, as you put it: I had answers to each thread I replied to w/ a link to a video. I can see it being pimping if I am asking for subs or likes or replying to threads I have no business replying to. I would understand your concern at that point.
Toughen up buttercup. It's the internet, you'll go crazy trying to correct all the nonsensical shit that spews from people on here. Honestly Overlander doesn't give two shits who you are and would say the same thing to you in person, having hung out with him I know first hand.
Toughen up buttercup. It's the internet, you'll go crazy trying to correct all the nonsensical shit that spews from people on here. Honestly Overlander doesn't give two shits who you are and would say the same thing to you in person, having hung out with him I know first hand.
Jesus Christ he's Jason Bourne
Are you normally this acquisitory & call people derogatory names like "jackwad" while simultaneously telling them to grow up or is it only w/ the new members on this forum from the comfort & safety of your home knowing you'll never meet these people in real life?
Because I understand trying to educate a new member, like myself, that youtube links are frowned upon but your name calling doesn't seem called for.
As for pimp my youtube, as you put it: I had answers to each thread I replied to w/ a link to a video. I can see it being pimping if I am asking for subs or likes or replying to threads I have no business replying to. I would understand your concern at that point.
You’re digging up old threads to pimp your small channel. Thus, making you a Jackwad and needing to grow up. Now you can’t deal with the fact you got caught. We can keep going round and round but you will not win this. Also, the more rounds we go the more names I will use so your call.
You’re digging up old threads to pimp your small channel. Thus, making you a Jackwad and needing to grow up. Now you can’t deal with the fact you got caught. We can keep going round and round but you will not win this. Also, the more rounds we go the more names I will use so your call.
Get em "Jason Bourne"...haha
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