Nope you're not wrong, he did claim to be all knowing, yet sought help here but didn't like the answer. It just goes to show ya ignorance is alive and well on the interweb...
Me, I don't get the whole forum vs forum thing, they all seem to be started for the right reason of helping others. If any particular forum favors a certain vendor so be it, take with a grain of salt. Heck, I don't agree with some of the advice I'm given in my own club, but I'm not gonna run off at the mouth and let others see my ignorance. Nope, I'd rather do more research and quietly find out I might be mistaken, or choose to hold my own opinion, but again quietly...
Does that make me a Fanboy, don't know or care. I do care about things that don't jive and will express that, if you don't like the answers you got stay on your preferred forum and quit trashing this one, alternatively drive your butt out here and show us all how superior you, otherwise keep it down.
Remember peeps, if you're reading emotion from a 1 dimensional text message (forum posts included), it's YOUR emotion 9 times out of 10. Think about how many times msgs get misread, it happens all the time.
I'll add this, if the other forums were simply competitive they'd be turning out great info and videos too, instead of just jealous, and slanderous BS...
Just Sayin'