Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Interesting perspective

Couldn't get past 2:04. Shes laying in her bed, a victim of her kids not being forced to wear a mask at school.
Everyone seems to be a victim of someone else's actions. Sickening. If you haven't already had covid, it will come for you.
And, they will have to hold me down to administer their mRNA, so-called vaccine.
Couldn't get past 2:04. Shes laying in her bed, a victim of her kids not being forced to wear a mask at school.
Everyone seems to be a victim of someone else's actions. Sickening. If you haven't already had covid, it will come for you.
And, they will have to hold me down to administer their mRNA, so-called vaccine.
Have you had covid yet?
Couldn't get past 2:04. Shes laying in her bed, a victim of her kids not being forced to wear a mask at school.
Everyone seems to be a victim of someone else's actions. Sickening. If you haven't already had covid, it will come for you.
And, they will have to hold me down to administer their mRNA, so-called vaccine.
Most of the video is about how poor nutrition results in a poor immune system and therefore has a higher likelyhood of complications if you get the Kung Flu.
Most of the video is about how poor nutrition results in a poor immune system and therefore has a higher likelyhood of complications if you get the Kung Flu.
I figured there was a very good point to the vid., coming from you. Just couldn't stand the woman playing the victim card.
Have you had covid yet?
Yes. Almost certain. Very early on. Jet load of returning Chinese students returning from China to our local university. End of Jan. term 2020. Filled our little airport FBO, waiting for buses to transport back to school. 2 days later, fever reached 103.5, no taste, no smell. No energy for a month.
Now, Brute, I'm not blaming Chinese students, or anyone else. Just happens. Never went for any medical attn.
I actually agree that everyone, vaccinated or not, will most likely get delta covid. Where I think you miss your mark is in your apparent belief that the vaccination does nothing to decrease the likelihood of hospitalization and/or death for certain groups of people.

And, while I think getting this particular vaccine (at least right now) should still be a choice, I’d be one pissed mofo if some asswipe plows into my family on the road and there are no ICU beds available because they are all filled with a bunch of covid patients.

Like it or not, healthcare services are finite. When those services have to be rationed and triaged, tough choices have to be made.

Should the ICU bed go to the meth addict in for the fourth time in a month, or to the single parent teacher who got in a car accident? Should it go to the 90 year old patient with emphysema, or to the 20 year old with cancer? Should it go to the 30 year old who had the seatbelt on, or the 30 year old who did not? In some places (admittedly not a lot), these types of decisions are being made and it is very unfortunate.
I actually agree that everyone, vaccinated or not, will most likely get delta covid. Where I think you miss your mark is in your apparent belief that the vaccination does nothing to decrease the likelihood of hospitalization and/or death for certain groups of people.

And, while I think getting this particular vaccine (at least right now) should still be a choice, I’d be one pissed mofo if some asswipe plows into my family on the road and there are no ICU beds available because they are all filled with a bunch of covid patients.

Like it or not, healthcare services are finite. When those services have to be rationed and triaged, tough choices have to be made.

Should the ICU bed go to the meth addict in for the fourth time in a month, or to the single parent teacher who got in a car accident? Should it go to the 90 year old patient with emphysema, or to the 20 year old with cancer? Should it go to the 30 year old who had the seatbelt on, or the 30 year old who did not? In some places (admittedly not a lot), these types of decisions are being made and it is very unfortunate.
Except they don’t build ICU’s to have empty beds. They build them with the anticipation of them being somewhat full. That would be like building a two seat restaurant in a 100k square foot warehouse.
Except they don’t build ICU’s to have empty beds. They build them with the anticipation of them being somewhat full. That would be like building a two seat restaurant in a 100k square foot warehouse.
No, they do not. They build them (and staff them) based on population size and historic need, and with a certain level of extra capacity. Pretty hard to do that these days when every few months the need quadruples, then goes back down to pre-covid levels.
No, they do not. They build them (and staff them) based on population size and historic need, and with a certain level of extra capacity. Pretty hard to do that these days when every few months the need quadruples, then goes back down to pre-covid levels.
I don’t follow the news as much as other people here but is there actual cases of people dying from being denied access to ICU’s or is space just “low” in ICU’s. There’s a big difference.
I don’t follow the news as much as other people here but is there actual cases of people dying from being denied access to ICU’s or is space just “low” in ICU’s. There’s a big difference.
I can’t speak for anywhere other than the two cities in which I live. In those two places, there are definitely people getting directed to other hospitals, sometimes very far away, because of space. I’m not specifically aware of anyone dying but we aren’t that far away from it. Unfortunately, the smoke situation is making matters worse.

Here are some actual numbers:

Since June 1, 2021, new COVID-19 transmission and hospitalizations have seen a sharp increase:
  • The 7-day moving average for new COVID-19 cases per day went from 13.7 to 211.1
  • The COVID-19 test positivity rate increased from 2.9% to 19.5%
  • The number of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 hospitalizations increased from 20 to 142
  • The occupancy rate of Staffed hospital beds is at 91% in Washoe County
Now, to be fair, Washoe County has temporary capacity facilities (like a parking garage that can be utilized for covid care) that have not yet been opened back up. If opened and staffed, that 91% would likely drop way down. But, it’s not that easy to hire a bunch of nurses and doctors on a moment’s notice…especially these days.
I can’t speak for anywhere other than the two cities in which I live. In those two places, there are definitely people getting directed to other hospitals, sometimes very far away, because of space. I’m not specifically aware of anyone dying but we aren’t that far away from it. Unfortunately, the smoke situation is making matters worse.

Here are some actual numbers:

Since June 1, 2021, new COVID-19 transmission and hospitalizations have seen a sharp increase:
  • The 7-day moving average for new COVID-19 cases per day went from 13.7 to 211.1
  • The COVID-19 test positivity rate increased from 2.9% to 19.5%
  • The number of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 hospitalizations increased from 20 to 142
  • The occupancy rate of Staffed hospital beds is at 91% in Washoe County
Now, to be fair, Washoe County has temporary capacity facilities (like a parking garage that can be utilized for covid care) that have not yet been opened back up. If opened and staffed, that 91% would likely drop way down. But, it’s not that easy to hire a bunch of nurses and doctors on a moment’s notice…especially these days.
So no hospitals are full and turning people away and deaths haven’t increased. Why should I be scared again or worried?
So no hospitals are full and turning people away and deaths haven’t increased. Why should I be scared again or worried?
The hospital I work at is full about 230 total patients. Over half are covid patients. They are holding patients in the ER because there are not enough beds up to about 2 days. They worked a level 2 trauma in the hallway and I saw them stitching someone's head in the hallway. The hospital is turning away transfers from other hospitals. Both hospitals in my area are like this.
You don't have to be scared or worried but I would look up the status of your local hospitals. It may not be as bad.
So no hospitals are full and turning people away and deaths haven’t increased. Why should I be scared again or worried?
Lol. Never said you should be scared or worried. I suppose you may not consider 91% of staffed beds (that’s all beds, not just ICU) “full” a big deal, but it’s about a three car pileup from being a very big issue.
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