Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Beyond their control? If you are afraid of getting Rona, you can choose not to be around other people until it is gone. Getting it is completely within your control.

What do you think is the cost to society of smoking/drinking? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Yet, we don’t outlaw tobacco and alcohol. We allow people to take the risk...and to die.

In all likelihood, a depression will significantly increase my income. If it lasts for a decade then maybe it would start to impact my work. My kids should be fine in an individual sense, but their overall quality of life and the quality of life of their generation will not be. The crime rate that will go along with 30% unemployment will suck, as will the inflation that is coming our way. The loss of liberty is not “fine” for anyone.

Yes, I would make the same argument. I would do everything I can as an individual to save the lives of my loved ones, but I would respect the policies of leaders that are put in place for the benefit of the whole, not the individual. Of course, the life of someone I love is more valuable to ME than the life of a stranger. That fact is irrelevant to the determination of what is, or is not, proper policy for society.

Have you ever seen an actuary table or a work comp schedule? We (society) put a monetary value on “a life” all the time. It has to be done. Hell, we assign specific values to individual parts of a person, not just the whole. Here is but one of many charts doing just that.

View attachment 344568

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I get what you are saying, I know couples who are both laid off and unemployment only covers so much and for so long not to mention health insurance.

So now these people are safe from the Corona Virus (maybe) but what do they do now to pay for groceries and their mortgage and god forbid any other health issues.

We can’t allow it to just be a zero sum game. Just my 2 cents.

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Whelp, I just had to provide travel papers to my employees so if/when they get pulled over they can prove that they are "essential" and should be allowed to be on the road. :naw:
Talked to a couple factories and some of their people have actually been stopped by the State police & asked why they were travelling.

What in the actual fuck are we coming to?

Papers, please.
Papers, please.

Or worse yet, having your rating from the government; red, yellow, or green, determine whether or not you're allowed to move freely. :naw:

From the story:

Some 24 countries were using telecommunications for location tracking and 14 were using applications for contact tracing or quarantine enforcement, according to HRW.

China has introduced a traffic-light system that uses smartphone software to rate individuals red, yellow or green and determine whether they can move about or meet.

Israel's counter-terrorism agency can monitor phone location data to alerts those who come close to infected people, while Singapore's TraceTogether app allows authorities to identify people who have been exposed to others with the virus.
China has introduced a traffic-light system that uses smartphone software to rate individuals red, yellow or green and determine whether they can move about or meet.

They ain't got shit on my flip phone. Plus it was built in Japan anyways.
Beyond their control? If you are afraid of getting Rona, you can choose not to be around other people until it is gone. Getting it is completely within your control.

What do you think is the cost to society of smoking/drinking? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Yet, we don’t outlaw tobacco and alcohol. We allow people to take the risk...and to die.

In all likelihood, a depression will significantly increase my income. If it lasts for a decade then maybe it would start to impact my work. My kids should be fine in an individual sense, but their overall quality of life and the quality of life of their generation will not be. The crime rate that will go along with 30% unemployment will suck, as will the inflation that is coming our way. The loss of liberty is not “fine” for anyone.

Yes, I would make the same argument. I would do everything I can as an individual to save the lives of my loved ones, but I would respect the policies of leaders that are put in place for the benefit of the whole, not the individual. Of course, the life of someone I love is more valuable to ME than the life of a stranger. That fact is irrelevant to the determination of what is, or is not, proper policy for society.

Have you ever seen an actuary table or a work comp schedule? We (society) put a monetary value on “a life” all the time. It has to be done. Hell, we assign specific values to individual parts of a person, not just the whole. Here is but one of many charts doing just that.

View attachment 344568

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Just curious...if you were the President of the US, would you have mandated a stay at home policy and strict social distancing measures, or allowed all business, schools, entertainment venues etc to remain open...covid-19 be damned?
Just curious...if you were the President of the US, would you have mandated a stay at home policy and strict social distancing measures, or allowed all business, schools, entertainment venues etc to remain open...covid-19 be damned?

The writing is on the wall (or is it in the thread) [emoji848]

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Whelp, I just had to provide travel papers to my employees so if/when they get pulled over they can prove that they are "essential" and should be allowed to be on the road. :naw:
Talked to a couple factories and some of their people have actually been stopped by the State police & asked why they were travelling.

What in the actual fuck are we coming to?

Essential supplies for essential employees...

(Didn’t score any TP though)

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Think about it for a second... all the shit that was implemented after 9/11, things that were supposed to go away after the terrorist threat was gone... they're all still in place. You know, being that the threat is still around and the measures worked so well, clearly, they must stay in place.

The worst part for me is that people are actually demanding that their liberties be taken away and all for the sake of "safety".

So much for "give me liberty or give me death". Today, it's more like "take my liberties so that I can live".

But hey, that's just me.

I feel like there are only a handful of us that get what you just said. I’m right there with you. I’m taking precautions, but if others are too stupid to do things, like wash their damned hands, why should everyone else be penalized.

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Just curious...if you were the President of the US, would you have mandated a stay at home policy and strict social distancing measures, or allowed all business, schools, entertainment venues etc to remain open...covid-19 be damned?

I actually had a really long response to this typed out, then I waited too long and got bumped. Shorter version, I believe this whole thing is a Kobayashi Maru. I can't answer your question because I don't know what the President really knew and when, and what he was being advised by the totality of his advisors (not just the medical advisors).

I don't like middle of the road actions...they have too many unintended consequences and they tend to drag on forever and lead to even more middle of the road actions. Based on what I know, I think we are taking a middle of the road approach to this that will not yield the overall results (saving lives in an order of magnitudes, preserving the economy, or shortening the length of time the virus is out there) that is intended by the actions taken.

I would have preferred (1) a nationwide mandatory 20 day lock down early on with no international or intrastate travel of any kind (at least be honest with me that you are taking my liberties away for a short period of time and make it so that time cannot be extended); or, (2) a shelter in place suggestion for those at risk while everyone else was given the choice to accept risk and let the virus quickly burn through the healthy population (modified herd immunity with the understanding, of course, there would still be some casualties.) I fully admit that all of my views on this subject could be completely wrong.

Here is one thing I am not wrong about though: I hope my government understands that my appetite for "sheltering in place" is not bottomless, and that I would rather die free than live bound.
The writing is on the wall (or is it in the thread) [emoji848]

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No, not really. Like I wrote above, I think we are taking a middle of the road approach that is bullshit. I'm a pull the bandaid off kind of guy. So, either foreceably lock everything the fuck down for 20 days to stamp this thing out, or let us decide our own risk tolerance and see how herd immunity plays out in the "healthy" population.
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