Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Ok - too many good ones have been posted to comment on all. Thanks for the good laugh [emoji23]

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This thread is about the only good thing to come of this mess, it’s always good for a laugh

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler

This is the first fucking sentence of the article:

House Democrats’ coronavirus proposal would require airlines to follow new emissions standards in order to receive economic aid.

These fuckers don't care about us, the economy, nor the virus. It's just more political bullshit to further their own agenda. Makes me sick.

Term limits are the only way to help stop this nonsense. Fucking career politicians.
Just got the message that Boeing is closing it’s plants on WA till the 8th. Saw mayor Cuomo giving his press conference in front of stacks of PPE bitching about he’s not getting enough. The amount of stupid and hysteria around this virus is mind boggling

This is where the press has failed utterly at their jobs of being the so-called watchdogs. They are nothing more than sycophants to the politicians and have been part of the problem for decades.
Instead of ALL of them calling out these dirty fuckers for pulling this shit, they gang up on the ones that do & drown them out. This is why I cut my cable and no longer watch ANY mainstream news.

Edit: Shit - I forgot my meme

Dino book.jpg
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This is the first fucking sentence of the article:

House Democrats’ coronavirus proposal would require airlines to follow new emissions standards in order to receive economic aid.

These fuckers don't care about us, the economy, nor the virus. It's just more political bullshit to further their own agenda. Makes me sick.

The bill was also held up so we could spend money on performing a time like this, the arts must go on! Ridiculous.

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This morning has been good. Woke up at 10am after a night of drinking and playing Ticket to Ride with the wife. We made brunch consisting of corned beef hash, eggs, toast, and mimosas...haha. The day's plan consists of taking the dog for a walk and continuing to clean the house. It wasn't exactly what was planned for spring break but we're still having a good time.

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app
This morning has been good. Woke up at 10am after a night of drinking and playing Ticket to Ride with the wife. We made brunch consisting of corned beef hash, eggs, toast, and mimosas...haha. The day's plan consists of taking the dog for a walk and continuing to clean the house. It wasn't exactly what was planned for spring break but we're still having a good time.

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Is “ticket to ride” like mama’s got a squeezebox daddy never sleeps at night? Asking for an old guy with a young wife

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