That's why I only visit the state now. I just wish more of the people who make the decisions and reside there would stay there.
Cause it's cheaper at first.No shit... it seems like more and more are moving to Texas and trying to turn it into New California.
Why the hell do people move to a new state to escape something, then vote in assholes who want to do the same shit as the state they just left?
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Cause people are dumbNo shit... it seems like more and more are moving to Texas and trying to turn it into New California.
Why the hell do people move to a new state to escape something, then vote in assholes who want to do the same shit as the state they just left?
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I’ve got great news for everybody.... she’s got it all figured out!
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The geographical state is awesome.
The majority of people who make the decisions for the state and reside here are the issue...haha
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Dictator Whitmer is very concerned about businesses' well-being if it means getting more money from the feds.
Step 1) fuck the people.
Step 2) cry to feds that people are hurting.
Step 3) collect money.
Now I'm starting to understand Pandemic 101 and why some government loves the restrictions.
Being surrounded by fresh water and mostly nature is pretty awesome.You guys live is such an awesome state :naw:
Yes we now live in Nazi Komifornia. Any county in the "purple" tier must shut down all "non-essential" activities and people must be home between 10pm-6am beginning 11/21 thru 12/21. This affects 40 counties or 94.1% of the states population. I think I'm going to be intentionally defiant and see what happens. I'm so over this.
To put it in perspective. At our HOA meeting last night one of our residents who is in her 60's contracted H1N1 when it was a thing. She is not concerned with measly ol Covid-19. Another resident who's 84 year old sister caught Covid-19 and has "comorbidities" made a full recovery. Yet we are implementing all this BS.
Personally I feel its to try to prevent a political uproar over the election.
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The county will give you current information and assume your an adult and can take care of your own shit. Wouldn't it be nice if the government as a whole would take that approach.A county in Colorado is giving the governor a big Fuck You as well. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
The state’s decision to move Weld County into the red portion of the dial does not change the stance of the Weld County Board of Commissioners with regard to enforcement of the state’s mandates. Instead, county government continues to do what it has done since March, which is promote and encourage residents and business owners to take individual responsibility and make decisions to protect themselves, their families, their community and their businesses. The county will not enforce a rule confining individuals to their homes for an undetermined length of time; the county will not enforce a rule that states residents cannot have personal gatherings; the county will not tell the school districts how to provide education to their students; the county will not enforce a rule requiring a reduction of attendees in places of worship; the county will not enforce a rule demanding restaurants close their indoor dining areas; the county will not enforce any rule that forces a business to shut down or impedes their ability to operate.
The county will continue to encourage individuals to actively engage in prevention methods with regard to the virus: physically distance yourself from others, wash your hands, cover your cough, stay home if you are sick, clean frequently touched surfaces. The county will continue to encourage individuals to evaluate their personal situation and make decisions that protect them as best as possible.