Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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What all of these articles fail to mention is that the drivers did this to themselves. There was a real vocal group of drivers that felt being self-employed meant that Uber should pay them more, give them benefits, and that they shouldn't have to pay self-employment tax. You know... like every other fucking business. These asshats didn't realize that the "freedom" of being self-employed brought a lot of expenses and responsibility along with it.

And yes, this is bullshit. These fuckers definitely didn't understand the 'cons' that come with being a contractor.
And yes, this is bullshit. These fuckers definitely didn't understand the 'cons' that come with being a contractor.

This whole ordeal isn’t just screwing Uber and Lyft. It’s causing issues in the trucking industry as well huge company’s are breaking their contracts with contractors living in Cali. Huge clusterfuck. As bad as fuckin CARB but that’s a whole other rant.
This whole ordeal isn’t just screwing Uber and Lyft. It’s causing issues in the trucking industry as well huge company’s are breaking their contracts with contractors living in Cali. Huge clusterfuck. As bad as fuckin CARB but that’s a whole other rant.

Exactly. The State put a huge blanket over everybody. It's fucked up.
As an independent contractor, I can totally see why Uber is planning to tell Kalifornia to fuck off. And from what I'm hearing, the majority of drivers would rather be contractors rather than employees.
Most of them would. It's always the squeaky wheel... Of course, the State loves the idea of getting rid of as many independent businesses as they can to maximize payroll taxes. And the taxi unions are pretty loud too... Guess who they send their money to.

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As an independent contractor, I can totally see why Uber is planning to tell Kalifornia to fuck off. And from what I'm hearing, the majority of drivers would rather be contractors rather than employees.

All the ones I have talked to like being able to set their own schedule, and work as much or as little as they want.

A few assholes are going to ruin it for the rest.

Same here... I bet the Taxi companies are stoked.

Stoked, I bet they funded most of it. Their business model is dead without the protectionist government to make sure they have a monopoly.

This whole ordeal isn’t just screwing Uber and Lyft. It’s causing issues in the trucking industry as well huge company’s are breaking their contracts with contractors living in Cali. Huge clusterfuck. As bad as fuckin CARB but that’s a whole other rant.

I've read about that. Kalifornia changes the rules so often pretty soon there will be local trucks that haul to the state line and back while the rest refuse to come in for fear of the fines for whatever law is the revenue generator of the day.

Maybe those people will leave the state? Less people? Glass half full?

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We can hope, but the ones that drive this are the masses in the cities, and most don't have the means or motivation to leave.

The rich will get richer, the poor will try to take it from them, and the middle class will disappear entirely.
I think there is a term for this. "Bite the hand that feeds you". This reminds me when twinkies went the way of the dinosaur.

As mentioned the drivers had no clue what they were arguing for, the stste had no clue what they were trying to protect, and the unions came in a fucked everyone. Unfortunately in what state can these soon-to-be unemployed drivers reap the maximum benefits for doing the least? Oh thats right CA is right at the top so no motivation to move away. Yay my wallet is getting thinner as I type this. Moving to NV or UT and making a 2.5-3.5 hour commute once a week is sounding more and more appealing.

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You mean like how we did back when china gave us H1N1? Oh, that's right, there wasn't a bad orange man in the White House with an election coming up and with the economy on fire. :naw:

This is exactly what this is all about. One thing... to try to get Trump out no matter what happens to this country. If the libtards get in they will fuck up the country anyway, so why not ruin it now with the off chance that they could win. Everyone better seriously look at what they are proposing before they just vote against Trump without being clear on the issues.

Way to hit the nail on the head Eddie with your replies to some of the posts here. Too many people think that this country cannot be fundamentally changed so all of our lives are dicked up, but it can and will be. Ok, done now. Good night!

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You mean like how we did back when china gave us H1N1? Oh, that's right, there wasn't a bad orange man in the White House with an election coming up and with the economy on fire. :naw:

I thought H1N1 originated in Mexico? Well, at least in 2009 it did.

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I thought H1N1 originated in Mexico? Well, at least in 2009 it did.

:rolleyes2: Yeah, that sounds about right. Kind of a moot point though. It could have originate from a crusty kleenex under your bed but it wouldn't have changed how the people in power responded to it or how the media covered it.
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