Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Oh geez, we have a mask mandate to but really just for entering buildings, ect. Haven't seen a fine or anything like that just refusal of service. I wonder how that would hold up in court if it really came down to it.

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It is absolutely lawful for a private business to refuse your entry if you refuse to wear a mask. The more interesting legal question is whether the governor can require the private business to refuse your entry.

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It is absolutely lawful for a private business to refuse your entry if you refuse to wear a mask. The more interesting legal question is whether the governor can require the private business to refuse your entry.

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She does state that in her executive order that business owners are required to refuse patrons that are not wearing masks.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler
The whole mask thing is just so stupid. It's just a way to give a visible presence to a problem that no longer really exists. Sure, "cases" are on the rise but so is testing. Across the board, "deaths" are on the decline and recoveries are on the climb but no on in the MSM seems to be talking about that.

I'll be honest, it annoyed me to no end that companies like Costco implemented their own mask rule a while back but as a private business, I could respect their decision to do so. It is their right just as it is my right not to shop there. What's really pissing me off is the GOVERNMENT "mandating" this shit and forcing everyone to just shut up and obey. Even worse, they're essentially using this mask bullshit to pit Americans against each other and get loyalists to rat out anyone who doesn't comply. This is the kind of shit East Germans lived through during the cold war and North Koreans still live through today.

Deaths in Texas, Arizona & Florida are more than double last week than at any other time March through June
Deaths in Texas, Arizona & Florida are more than double last week than at any other time March through June

:sigh: Here we go again.

And I'm sure that the stupid rioting had NOTHING to do with any of that. You know, because the china virus doesn't affect "mostly peaceful" protesters. :naw:

All I can go off of is what I see near me and here, there have been no new deaths, 11 new cases and 21 recoveries.
:sigh: Here we go again.

And I'm sure that the stupid rioting had NOTHING to do with any of that. You know, because the china virus doesn't affect "mostly peaceful" protesters. :naw:

All I can go off of is what I see near me and here, there have been no new deaths, 11 new cases and 21 recoveries.

I’m sure the protests did help spread the virus...but New York is among the lowest deaths per day last week in the nation...8 weeks ago it was the highest in the world...they may have reached herd immunity at this point...and they certainly had their share of protesting
I think it’s also interesting that the biggest rise in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths are incurring in states with warm weather, heading into the middle of summer...I was hoping it would behave more like influenza in this regard
I’m sure the protests did help spread the virus...but New York is among the lowest deaths per day last week in the nation...8 weeks ago it was the highest in the world...they may have reached herd immunity at this point...and they certainly had their share of protesting

More like, everyone who was likely to die, already died.

Up until everything became political, we used to just focus our attention on places and people that needed it. Locking down the entire country and imposing draconian measures across the board has been done has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE and in my opinion, is totally un-American.
More like, everyone who was likely to die, already died.

Up until everything became political, we used to just focus our attention on places and people that needed it. Locking down the entire country and imposing draconian measures across the board has been done has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE and in my opinion, is totally un-American.

I agree with you in this is a disease. It is apolitical...unfortunately, like everything else lately, we have polarized the pandemic into a right and left confrontation, which is counterproductive to what is really important...crushing this thing so we move on.
I think it’s also interesting that the biggest rise in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths are incurring in states with warm weather, heading into the middle of summer...I was hoping it would behave more like influenza in this regard

I think that statement needs to be qualified as to where the "biggest rise" are. What cities and under what conditions. Where they in areas where rioting occurred. There are plenty of warm weather places that aren't seeing a rise at all but rather, a total decline and have been seeing it for quite some time now. Of the 208 total cases that Carson City has had, 137 have recovered and that been the going trend for a very long time now and this was before the stupid mask mandate.
What I don’t agree with is that the people who have died were going to die this year anyway...I personally know that is not true. Some may have died at some point this year due to underlying conditions, but I believe many would have not died in the last couple months were it not for contact with and contraction C19
I agree with you in this is a disease. It is apolitical...unfortunately, like everything else lately, we have polarized the pandemic into a right and left confrontation, which is counterproductive to what is really important...crushing this thing so we move on.

And that's my problem. What we're seeing now really isn't all that different than what we saw with H1N1 but, what is different is that the bad orange man is president. I'm not saying this virus isn't real or that it hasn't killed people, I just don't think it's being handled with a sincere, best interest of the people in mind. Clearly, many are doing all that they can to not let this crisis go to waste.
What I don’t agree with is that the people who have died were going to die this year anyway...I personally know that is not true. Some may have died at some point this year due to underlying conditions, but I believe many would have not died in the last couple months were it not for contact with and contraction C19

We're all dying and none of us really knows when or from what.

The guy working Inside was about 80. He didn’t give a fuck about anything. Small gas station on the 395.

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