Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Some actual numbers:

In New York State, there have been approximately 15,740 Covid-19 deaths so far out of a population of about 19,450,000. That works out to about 0.08% of the population dying from Covid-19, in arguably the hardest hit state in the country. California has approximately 34,510,000 people and about 1,531 Covid-19 deaths to date, which works out to about 0.0044% of the population. Nevada has a population of about 3,080,000 and, presently, a Covid-19 death toll of 197, which is about 0.0064% of the population. Washoe County has a population of about 471,519 and a Covid-19 death toll of 22 to date, which is about 0.0047% of the population. Here is an interesting truth. In Washoe County, 13 of the 22 deaths have been from one single convalescent home. Unfortunately, 3 of the 22 deaths were VA Hospital employees. That means that only 6 people out in the general public in Washoe County have died because of Covid-19.

As of the last count that I read, approximately 26,000,000 people have filed for unemployment across the nation. Nearly 370,000 unemployment claims have been filed just in Nevada.

And to top it off, most (not all) of them have serious pre existing conditions that would likely kill them sooner than later.

Though I have no data, I suspect that more will die due to conditions related to this quarantine than the virus kills.

Think about depression, suicides, stress induced heart attacks and strokes, overeating, especially of unhealthy fast food, etc.

Also add up the lives ruined by loss of jobs, loss of credit, overall lost opportunity, and a whole generation will likely be ruined, all to "save" people who are mostly going to die anyway.
And to top it off, most (not all) of them have serious pre existing conditions that would likely kill them sooner than later.

Though I have no data, I suspect that more will die due to conditions related to this quarantine than the virus kills.

Think about depression, suicides, stress induced heart attacks and strokes, overeating, especially of unhealthy fast food, etc.

Also add up the lives ruined by loss of jobs, loss of credit, overall lost opportunity, and a whole generation will likely be ruined, all to "save" people who are mostly going to die anyway.

99% of the people who've died thus far have been older, have a high BMI, have hypertension and were diabetic. As tragic as them losing their lives is, it is nowhere near the millions that the doomsayers said would die. Hell, it's nowhere near the hundreds of thousands they later said would die. And honestly, I don't care that they were wrong - I just want them to work off of what we now know and rethink the policies that are still in place!

My guess is that a minute percentage has actually died because of the virus. It's amazing how other causes of death have all but disappeared since March 20th.

It really is crazy how miraculously, nobody seems to be dying anymore or at least, outside of this stupid china virus. :naw:
Miraculous, indeed. Just more of what the media is spreading around. What about other causes of death naturally occurring? I for one am in the higher risk groups because of my age, but I refuse to live my life in exile. Constant fear? Nope. Considering the fact that 80% of cases are fairly mild symptoms, I choose to take my chances and maybe end up with some antibodies to fight off the future threat. Just my perspective, but live is not meant to be spent under a rock. That being said, I do take the social distancing and PPE precautions seriously, not foolishly.

Edit: Get out and explore as often as possible, since that is what you enjoy. We only get one go around at this shit.
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Miraculous, indeed. Just more of what the media is spreading around. What about other causes of death naturally occurring? I for one am in the higher risk groups because of my age, but I refuse to live my life in exile. Constant fear? Nope. Considering the fact that 80% of cases are fairly mild symptoms, I choose to take my chances and maybe end up with some antibodies to fight off the future threat. Just my perspective, but live is not meant to be spent under a rock. That being said, I do take the social distancing and PPE precautions seriously, not foolishly.

Your last sentence nails it.

The Government should give us the recommendations of how to keep safe, and let us maintain the freedom to use the information presented to TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES.
Well, that didn’t take long. We’ll see if it’s true or not in the coming week when it makes it to actual ‘news’ and not twitter









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UV lights are used to treat well water and in fact, UV light is a proven technology to kill viruses and bacteria. There is a patent pending device that does exactly what Trump said in the quote on this ^^ meme. So once again, Trump is right and the MSM is wrong......... Again :idontknow:

So based on this technology, tiny optic fibers that emitted UV light (an assumption that is how the light would be delivered) could potentially kill the chinese virus inside the lungs in severely affected patients. Huh. Sarcasm aside, that's actually pretty damn cool.
View attachment 346072

UV lights are used to treat well water and in fact, UV light is a proven technology to kill viruses and bacteria. There is a patent pending device that does exactly what Trump said in the quote on this ^^ meme. So once again, Trump is right and the MSM is wrong......... Again :idontknow:

So based on this technology, tiny optic fibers that emitted UV light (an assumption that is how the light would be delivered) could potentially kill the chinese virus inside the lungs in severely affected patients. Huh. Sarcasm aside, that's actually pretty damn cool.

Damn! That pic looks like Cougar Buttes.

I've never seen her there when I went.

Maybe I need to go more often.
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