Anyone see this?

So next time, instead of screwing up a nice Jeep.... He can just give it to me. Saves him some $ in the long run.
I have no doubt he has more than just axle damage. It's not a trophy truck

I'm sure. He wheels it hard. Last year he rolled it on wheeler lake. I know the shop that built it. He broke an ultimate 60 doing that jump. The basic setup is a 750 hp hemi, PR80 rear, ultimate 60 front, EVO DTD suspension. He launched it 90 feet. Outside of maybe some rockwells I'm not sure what would have survived that.
I'm sure. He wheels it hard. Last year he rolled it on wheeler lake. I know the shop that built it. He broke an ultimate 60 doing that jump. The basic setup is a 750 hp hemi, PR80 rear, ultimate 60 front, EVO DTD suspension. He launched it 90 feet. Outside of maybe some rockwells I'm not sure what would have survived that.

How is it that you know this guy and what shop are you referring to?
I'm sure. He wheels it hard. Last year he rolled it on wheeler lake. I know the shop that built it. He broke an ultimate 60 doing that jump. The basic setup is a 750 hp hemi, PR80 rear, ultimate 60 front, EVO DTD suspension. He launched it 90 feet. Outside of maybe some rockwells I'm not sure what would have survived that.

That's not hard, that's fucking stupid! Look at the dirt over the top of the axle. It was a shovel when it hit the ground
Sounds to me like this guy is careless and doesn't give a rats ass. Thats how someone can get hurt. Let's hope he only ever puts himself in harms way.

As for the jump. That's just "fucking stupid" as Chris said.
Sounds to me like this guy is careless and doesn't give a rats ass. Thats how someone can get hurt. Let's hope he only ever puts himself in harms way.

As for the jump. That's just "fucking stupid" as Chris said.

I don't think he had enough sense to only put himself in harms way because according to the pictures it looks like the Jeep was loaded full of people! If you read his Instagram post there all laughing and joking about what happened! One said he's the king of Moab! King idiot maybe!
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How is it that you know this guy and what shop are you referring to?

I met him when I worked for Chrysler at Pollard Jeep. They've done an insane amount of work to it. That's the dealership Trail Jeeps was at before they moved to Golden.
That's not hard, that's fucking stupid! Look at the dirt over the top of the axle. It was a shovel when it hit the ground

I should have phrased that better. The jump he did, Yup, fucking stupid however he will run holy cross and other hard trails.
That's not hard, that's fucking stupid! Look at the dirt over the top of the axle. It was a shovel when it hit the ground

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. If he keeps breaking his rig by driving like a complete idiot every time he goes off pavement he should probably stick to the malls...

Let's not forget, it could always get worse than just breaking the Jeep. After a 90 foot jump, I can just imagine the jeep landing front bumper first and flipping over hard onto the roof. I doubt he would be walking away from something like that, or playing anymore football.
The way our society is today he will probably get a multi million dollar contract from red bull and a reality show. Something disgusting like that.

He be like " i can hear it clunking ever since i jumped it. it wast there before you worked on it"

oh to have stupid amounts of money. just shows they are paid too much.
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