Anyone installed the EVO Overland Control Arm Brackets?

A pic of yours may help
I had to put it back together to get to work and I didn’t take a picture of the interference. Just imagine Eddies touching in that pic where I drew the circle, it’s like the CA bracket was welded in a degree or so rotated from where it’s supposed to be. The misalignment here is 1-2 mm making the bolt not pass thru the back hole. The CA position makes the drop bracket sit forward not allowing the hole alignment to be correct.
I had to put it back together to get to work and I didn’t take a picture of the interference. Just imagine Eddies touching in that pic where I drew the circle, it’s like the CA bracket was welded in a degree or so rotated from where it’s supposed to be. The misalignment here is 1-2 mm making the bolt not pass thru the back hole. The CA position makes the drop bracket sit forward not allowing the hole alignment to be correct.
Do you have any idea what a millimeter even is? 2mm is 1/16th of an inch. A hammer will make it go through easily.
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