Any hunting jeepers out there?

20 minutes before first light. I'd been in my stand about 5 minutes before he came in less than 10 yards. I had no idea he was there. Not a sound. I had just put my head back to stretch my neck and all I heard was hooves and branches breaking. He definitely saw/heard me. Sucks but I doubt he would have stuck around for shooting hours anyways. I waited about 15 minutes before checking camera history to see if he'd come back.

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Here he is moments before looking up at me. Just a little guy:

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Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Got this thermal scope dialed in. Shooting from 36 yards. First shot you can see the heat signature from the bullet on the bottom left about a foot low. I slowed video down to 25%.


Added a 2nd hot packet down there to zero the reticle (all software, really easy. Point you aimed at and move reticle to the point you hit).
2nd shot bullet hit an inch left and up.


Zero'd one more time for pretty much 'good enough.' One circled and one below the zip tie on the right.


Back stop is 4 pieces of 5/8" plywood with sandbags in front 2 deep. Bags near the wood are laying flat stacked on each other. Bag in front is standing up. Out of 5 rounds, only one made it to the wood because it went through the edge of the 2nd layer sand bag.


This is a temporary back stop but worked today to finally dial the rifle in. Suppressor isn't as quiet as I'd like but it is what it is. Didn't have to wear ear protection.
Yote's been howling all evening. My son and I went out with the call. Got him to call back several times. It was trippy. Very cool experience. Several times he was really close but never made an appearance. Even with the thermal, woods were too thick. I could see several porch lights popping on on the other side of the woods lol. Now he really thinks there's a buddy hanging around.
Yote's been howling all evening. My son and I went out with the call. Got him to call back several times. It was trippy. Very cool experience. Several times he was really close but never made an appearance. Even with the thermal, woods were too thick. I could see several porch lights popping on on the other side of the woods lol. Now he really thinks there's a buddy hanging around.
Will that thermal record the kill?
Yes. Every shot, the scope senses recoil and even pre-records for 7 seconds. You turn that feature on and forget about it. The shots I posted earlier were just that. Automatic recording basically. And yes I'm looking forward to it as much as you.
That’s awesome! I think I speak for all of us when I say that it would be very cool if the next video was OSOK. 👍
Yote's been howling all evening. My son and I went out with the call. Got him to call back several times. It was trippy. Very cool experience. Several times he was really close but never made an appearance. Even with the thermal, woods were too thick. I could see several porch lights popping on on the other side of the woods lol. Now he really thinks there's a buddy hanging around.
This guy was howling from so many directions we figured he had to have circled the house. Decided to go through front security footage from yesterday. He did circle the house.

Well, they are confirmed living right behind my house. It was still light out on our first call and one responded immediately probably 50 yards away. They did what they did last time and called from many directions. They move fast. Eventually they were farther away and stopped calling back. Not sure why. One of the call combos we did was a wounded cottontail and a coyote group call. They started going nuts out in the woods. Sounded like The View.

My son had the rifle and I had an IR monocular. I saw the light from one of my trail cams go off. It was this guy lol. He wasn't sticking around for the party. He probably wasn't having a good time with all the sounds lol.

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