Ok got me a dial indicator and some gear marking compound. Getting ready to pop the cover and investigate this gear set up.
From what I have read I should be looking for backlash of .006-.010 with the difference between the highest and lowest along the gear no more than .003. (Essentially no more than. 003 of run out) I also plan on putting the dial indicator on the side of the ring gear and rotate it all the way through to check run out.
I don't have an inch pound torque wrench to check the pinion preload though but maybe tomorrow I'll go buy a beam style one to check pre load.
Sound like I'm on the right track?
From what I have read I should be looking for backlash of .006-.010 with the difference between the highest and lowest along the gear no more than .003. (Essentially no more than. 003 of run out) I also plan on putting the dial indicator on the side of the ring gear and rotate it all the way through to check run out.
I don't have an inch pound torque wrench to check the pinion preload though but maybe tomorrow I'll go buy a beam style one to check pre load.
Sound like I'm on the right track?