Okay, so Cindy and I went for our first real test drive since installing a 4" Rancho lift with RS7MT shocks and 38" Nitto Ridge Grappler tires and these are some of the things I can say about our initial experience.
1. While there's still plenty of power, we still feel like there is a measurable amount of power loss. In talking to Cindy about it, I think she put it best by saying that it's still fun but, when it was stock, she'd step on the gas and it would make her giggle. Off the line, it'll move well but when it comes to passing on the highway - eh, it's just okay. Kinda feels like Moby now only, he's running 40's and 1-tons. Needless to say, a regear is something we're discussing.
2. The ride that the Rancho lift and RS7MT shocks provide is surprisingly nice. We always felt that the factory suspension system was way too soft and we bottomed out far more than we felt it should. Now, the ride is firmer but in a good way. I would go so far as to say, more responsive. Hard to say how long they would last bombing across the desert but I would imagine more so than hydros would.
3. Obviously, we've run 38" Ridge Grapplers in the past and always loved that they were load range C tires. I have little doubt that a lot of what pleases us about our ride is in a big way, in part due to these tires. They are quite, comfortable and did I mention, when mounting them up, only 2 of the 5 tires had yellow dots. This as opposed to 3 of the 5 factory BFG's having red dots. In other words, they feel very very round.
4. We noticed that we now have our traction control kicking on about 3/4 of the way through a u-turn in either direction but only if we're moving through it and accelerating. If we go slowly, all is good. Currently, our best guess is that this has something to do with body roll and something on the Jeep picking it up. Not 100% sure but it's the only thing I can really think of right now. At 4" of lift, a track bar relocation at least in the rear would help this and I'll most likely try to start to address this issue there.
5. We purposefully bought our 392 with the Mopar HD tire carrier so that we could run a bigger spare. And, while it will help the tailgate hold the weight, you do need the relocation/spacer kit to do it or at least, if you keep the factory bumper. The problem with this is, with 3.5" back spaced wheels, the rubber isolators they provide still sit a long way from the sidewall. I was able to help things along buy installing Energy Suspension extended isolators and installing the factory rubber ones on them and there is good push now but, not enough to keep things firmly still when hitting big bumps. There still is some movement and enough that we can hear and see it. This has been a let down.
6. For those of you who don't know, there have been a number of TPMS changes over the years and the most recent of which was done back in June of 2021. Knowing this, I made sure to order what I thought was the correct TPMS, has the vendor VIN check it and in spite that, our TPMS does NOT work. Serious pain in the ass and one that I'm a bit disappointed about.
There's probably more I could add to this but I'll need to give it some thought. Anyway, hope this info is helpful to others considering the path of modifying their 392