A wave from texas

Zech...you know any Jeepers in your area by name? Ken, Seth, Jerrod, Drew...theres others but I can't think of them. Any of them ring any bells?

Kenny, I really haven't been able to meet any jeepers from the midland area yet, I haven't been out anywhere yet.. and i was down in san antonio this weekend.

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Cool. I was just curious. Did you go down there for Krawlin for the Fallen? They had a big thing down there over the weekend. I knew they got a ton of rain on Thursday night though! 11 inches of rain is nuts for anywhere in Texas!
welcome zech!

im from midland as well
i run around with "west texas crawlers" (the midland/odessa off road club)
hope to see you around town!
whats your jeep look like so if i see you out and about i can stop and say hi?
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