A pillar plastic screw removal?


New member
I can really get the plastic screw to do anything. I tried prying on the back of it and unscrewing but no luck. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1417457524.446389.jpg
They are tricky. I found that using light pressure prying the screw out helps. I have also just pulled the whole insert out.
They are tricky. I found that using light pressure prying the screw out helps. I have also just pulled the whole insert out.

this is what i do. the only pressure i apply is my hands holding onto the screw driver. the screw should backout a very little bit at that point and you should be able to get behind the head with a flat head to pry the screw out.
Get a pick set like this...ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1417459294.240487.jpg Use the 90* pick and get it between the screw and insert piece, put light pressure against the screw while unscrewing it. They're a pain, but it just takes patience
Works just like a regular upholstery pin. At least, that is how I treated mine. Then went to Westco and bought replacements. :D
Looks like a cage install? If that screw kicked your butt, you're going to have a rough day :cheesy: :cheesy:
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