A Dirt Head's JK


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Loving the look and they definitely have a cleaner defined line and when I was adjusting their height I could really tell how much fuller the spread was.

Looks great. I’m sick of my 10 yr old factory headlights. I feel like I’m holding a candle out in front of the jeep at night. Especially compared to the wife’s JL.

My headlights go in and out sometimes as well. I found that the generic auto parts store bulbs don’t fit into the plug very well. I ground down the plastic a bit to get the retainer clip to seat.

Might not be your issue, but it was for me.
Looks great. I’m sick of my 10 yr old factory headlights. I feel like I’m holding a candle out in front of the jeep at night. Especially compared to the wife’s JL.

My headlights go in and out sometimes as well. I found that the generic auto parts store bulbs don’t fit into the plug very well. I ground down the plastic a bit to get the retainer clip to seat.

Might not be your issue, but it was for me.
Yup that had to be the first upgrade if not one of the firsts I did in my Jeep… couldn’t see shit.
Looks great. I’m sick of my 10 yr old factory headlights. I feel like I’m holding a candle out in front of the jeep at night. Especially compared to the wife’s JL.

My headlights go in and out sometimes as well. I found that the generic auto parts store bulbs don’t fit into the plug very well. I ground down the plastic a bit to get the retainer clip to seat.

Might not be your issue, but it was for me.
All those dodads on your Jeep and you haven’t sprig for a $300 pair of headlights? Props to you for running the factory crap for so long Stevie wonder.
Yup that had to be the first upgrade if not one of the firsts I did in my Jeep… couldn’t see shit.
All those dodads on your Jeep and you haven’t sprig for a $300 pair of headlights? Props to you for running the factory crap for so long Stevie wonder.
lol, yea I think it’s finally time. Been Ray Charles-ing it for too long.

Like every time I go to throw another thousand dollars of aftermarket parts on, I stop to add another layer of epoxy on my leaking radiator.
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