'90 Grand Wagoneer Project

Hey everyone! New guy here so I thought I would share one of my pride & joys! I have a JKUR as well but this is my '90 FSJ Grand Wagoneer! I saw it sitting in a driveway rotting away in a nearby neighborhood. It had a flat right rear tire, the rear window was stuck halfway down, it was filthy, and it had cobwebs connecting the driveway to the car all over the place so I could see it hadn't moved in quite a while. I assumed it didn't run but the interior and body looked fairly decent so I decided to leave a note on it to see if the owner wanted to sell. Sure enough I got a text from them that night and went over the next day to take a harder look at it. I thought that if it didn't run I may be able to pick it up for cheap with hopes of getting it running and flipping it for a profit. When I pulled up, the rear tire was aired back up and it was sitting there running and idling smooth as silk and in to myself in my head I said, crap...the price just went up. After talking with the owner he explained that the engine was fairly recent rebuilt by the guy before him and I believed it by the way it was running and the fact that the paint on the engine seemed newer than the surrounding parts. He also explained that it had a somewhat recent exterior re-spray as well but looking at it, it wasn't a very high quality one. I didn't look too hard at the car at this point because I knew it would be more than I wanted to pay so I shook his hand and told him that I was hoping it in worse condition and that I didn't have the cash to make him a reasonable offer for what I thought it was worth. Then he asked how much I had. I told him $2,000 and he said we had a deal. I couldn't believe it so I snapped a quick photo of the VIN and went home to grab the money, run the VIN through the DMV to make sure it wasn't stolen and had a clean title and before you know it there was this GW sitting in my garage.

Once home, I looked through it a little more and created a list of things I needed to do in order to flip it for a profit. Don't get me wrong, she's far from perfect but I still got one hell of a deal. I replaced the brakes on all four corners, got new tires, rebuilt the front knuckles with all new ball joints, new axle seals, fixed the rear window (which was simply un-plugged), and did some work cleaning it up and restoring the paint as best I could. While I was waiting for the new title to show up I drove it around a bit for fun and, well, long story short I fell in love with it and the idea of flipping it for a profit quickly went off the table.

I haven't done a lot more to it since, just been enjoying it in fair weather since the A/C and heater don't work but the project continues to move on slowly. As of now I am still working on getting everything working 100% and then I will have to decide what direction I want to go with the build. I flip-flop back and forth between just keeping it stock, which I love them stock, or building it into a mild overland vehicle while maintaining that vintage 80s/early 90s flair. Time will tell!




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Wow. Time capsule. Although a ‘90, the body is basically the same as was first introduced in 1964. When I was a kid in the 70s my neighbor had one. Have fun with it!
WOW... beautiful find. If it were me I’d leave it stock, mainly cause I’m a stock kind of guy, but that ride looks to be in awesome shape, so I’d have to leave her as she came new. How many miles on the odometer?

Congratulations on the find.

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Thanks everyone!

Wow. Time capsule. Although a ‘90, the body is basically the same as was first introduced in 1964. When I was a kid in the 70s my neighbor had one. Have fun with it!

You know it's timeless when everyone has a story of one they remember from when they were new!

That's a great find - Congrats. Looks like the body is in great shape!

It's pretty good! There's some rust poking through here and there but nothing in difficult areas and luckily nothing really bad, just small spots. Appears accident free though!

WOW... beautiful find. If it were me I’d leave it stock, mainly cause I’m a stock kind of guy, but that ride looks to be in awesome shape, so I’d have to leave her as she came new. How many miles on the odometer?

Congratulations on the find.

She's got about 171,000 on the odometer so it's definitely not going to be painful to put a bunch of miles on it. The rebuilt engine was a huge plus for me. I am fairly certain the trans has been rebuilt as well as it works flawlessly as well for having that many miles on it.
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