5G Phone Service SUCKS on My iPhone


Staff member
I don't know if it's just me but my phone service SUCKS donkey balls! And by phone, I mean being able to make calls and talk to people. I should note, that it used to work great but ever since 5G started to become the new thing, I haven't been able to talk to anyone on my iPhone 12 or without missing every other word. The only way I've been able to make calls is to change my Cellular Data Option to LTE. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? :mad:
Are they forcing 5g on everyone? Or do you have to sign up for it? I still have an iphone 8 and havent paid attention to the 5g BS.
No issues for me with 5g or LTE with AT&T here in PA or down in DE on my iPhone 11. 5g internet get slow but phone calls are fine
No 5G where I’m at haven’t really paid any attention when I go to the city IPhone 12 works fine without it
I have T-mobile (formerly sprint) and 5G works great for me. One thing I do understand about 5G is that unlike 4G or LTE it does not have the power to penetrate buildings as well or cover large areas. It is faster for data but buildings and distance greatly affect it. This is why there is a need for significantly more towers. Simular to home wi-fi networks 2G goes farther but at slower speeds and the 5G is significantly faster but you have to be closer to the router.
I’m on Verizon, IPhone 13.

I don’t have problems talking on 5G but do have text issues especially iMessage. When on LTE I have zero issues.
I have T-mobile (formerly sprint) and 5G works great for me. One thing I do understand about 5G is that unlike 4G or LTE it does not have the power to penetrate buildings as well or cover large areas. It is faster for data but buildings and distance greatly affect it. This is why there is a need for significantly more towers. Simular to home wi-fi networks 2G goes farther but at slower speeds and the 5G is significantly faster but you have to be closer to the router.
This depends on the 5G frequencies used by the carrier. Some are best left for the sports arena (with thousands of users) and others are similar to that for 4G. Lower frequencies go farther but offer least speed.
They set them up to prioritize 5G; and while that might be fine for the majority of people, it can sometimes suck for those of us who live on the fringe. One example - say you've got a tower within a half mile that's still 4G, and a tower 2 miles away that's been upgraded to carry 5G; your phone might want to camp on the marginal 5G signal instead of the stronger 4G. Was the same kind of thing happening when 4G/LTE was being deployed; people were turning off LTE to stick on 3G... until it finally caught up.

As bob said above, 5G vs 4G distance depends on which band it's carried on. The really, really, super fast 5G is on millimeter waves, which carries a ton of speed and bandwidth but garbage distance and building penetration (sometimes only covering a block or two). Most 5G outside of major cities is deployed on the same bands that 4G was and has the same potential coverage distance... it's just not nearly as fast (faster than it's equivalent 4G, just not significantly faster).
I’m in the sticks so usually only get LTE but traveled all across the country this week and haven’t had any issues… Verizon & IPhone 12 Pro (I think)
my android and my daughter's iphone suck on AT&T 5G because it's not true 5G

with the iphone 5G can be disabled but with my android I get slow AF service on 5G and the battery drain is asinine.

certain areas of downtown Fort Worth I miss calls and messages
Haven't updated phones to 5G capable yet, and use Samsung anyway.
But I have enough of the ugly ass 5G towers around me that signal shouldn't be a problem.

But thanks for mentioning the problems with voice calls, that will be something I'll be sure to ask about when we do have to upgrade.
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