Caught the Bug
It can be done, but is tricky because the pumpkin is cast while the tubes are not. You need to find an experienced welder who knows how to properly preheat the cast metal and also how to get the two parts to cool in such a way that they don’t crack (metal contracts as it cools). The shop that fixed my friend’s axle is a 90 minute drive, so I can’t just pop over there.
Also, I think to be safe you’d want to remove your carrier, locker wiring, and maybe even the pinion gear and seals before welding, so they don’t all get cooked. That’s gonna add several hundred dollars in labor unless you find a welder who’ll let you do all that work yourself in his shop. Unlikely.
Damn, sounds like a ton of work. Would be great to have it done though. Thanks for the info..... maybe one day.