37" Spare Positioning


Active Member
Hey y'all! After not having a spare for 2.5 years I decided to add one with my new tires yesterday. I have a Synergy rear sway so a 37 clears the bar, but I cant get this damn thing positioned like Eddie did in the video. This is the best I could do, any ideas or thoughts? I had to bend the crap out of the heat shield just to get it here.


Here's a shot of how much line I have out to the wheel.



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Not all 37's will fit. If you're hard against the track bar like you are the hitch receiver the tire might be too big.

You can try airing down the tire to like 10-15 psi.

Clayton's bend in their rear track bar is the biggest to accommodate a large spare.
I removed the heat shield, 4 bolts, 10mm socket, 1 under and 3 above.

I’ve gotten it in better now. My driveway was sloped and throwing it off. It’s touching the factory hitch and misses the bend in the synergy track bar by 1/2”. Still way to the passenger side through and not between the frame rails. But it’s higher so I think I’m ok.

How long ago did you ditch the heat shield?
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