35's or 37's

Definitely stay with Trail Graps. Tey perform great on the road and trail. If you want better performance on the rocks go with Nitto Mud Grapplers.

I've had 2 sets of mud grapplers on my dodge ram truck I really like them but they are loud as hell. They sound like an air plane going down the road
I'm sticking with my 37" Toyo MTs, heavy yes but very sure footed. My challenge now is seeking out places they won't take me. The traction is crazy, low noise and they'll last forever on a JK...
I'm trying to decide on 37in KM2's or 35in Trail Grapplers. I had 35in KM2's and loved them, but they run a bit small. My biggest concern with the Trail Grapplers is how loud they will be on the Hwy and weight.
I'm trying to decide on 37in KM2's or 35in Trail Grapplers. I had 35in KM2's and loved them, but they run a bit small. My biggest concern with the Trail Grapplers is how loud they will be on the Hwy and weight.

The Trail Grapplers are surprisingly quite for a MT. A little on the heavier side but pretty low road noise. Love mine
I just got the Toyo 37 13.5 17's a week ago and love them... I wanted a 13.5 and the only other kinda daily driver are the mud grapplers that come 13.5 and when a mud grappler wears to half tread i think they look funny IMO

That's good to know. I was thinking of adding a truss:doh:

Trussing doesnt put much more heat into the axle than weld in sleeves. I figure its cheap easy insurance against bending, and a truss only adds about 10lbs to the axle but is structurally a way better design than a sleeve. That being said make sure you have a welder who knows what they are doing before doing either and if they are trussing you have to skip around a lot and make sure you use the right rod or wire for the cast steel. Pre and post heat on the cast are important also.

Had a friend crack his axle housing about a month ago wheeling on Coyote Lake Jeep trail. He never bounced, impacted, or abused it that I saw and very rarely spun a tire and still managed to crack the passenger tube.
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