My bad. AFE's delete is ~$100 and spacers can be had as low as $20 from rugged ridge. That'd be quite reasonable as a bandaid.
Not sure as how you see it as a band aid when it pushes it back to the cross member and keeps it better protected from getting crushed by rocks. From the way I am seeing your logic you must have some straight pipes coming out the fender off the header that way it is fully out of the way?
Sarcasm is appreciated. It is a bandaid because the stock shaft will eventually fail running at the steeper angles. Read the posts above where others have recently said the same. There are countless threads between this forum and the ol' interweb for some good bathroom reading material.
I think I've read others say things like, "it's your money, do what you want!" I'd agree. $20~$50 for a temporary solution as you save up isn't a total waste IMO. I don't have the issue with my minivan 3.8, still rockin' the stock shaft. I am saving up though!
Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.