Caught the Bug
NFRs2000NYC you present some great info. I have always been a mobile 1 user in my VW's without problems. I just got my 2014 and have a couple ?'s for you. When did you change to synthetic in your JK and what oil do you run specifically?
Considering I don't let dealers touch my vehicles unless I absolutely must (ie expensive warranty repair) I swapped over to synthetic at the first oil change. On my 2012, it was 5000 miles or so. My 14 only has 450 miles on it, so I haven't done it yet, probably will right after winter is over. I follow my own advice...I run the cheapest high quality fully synthetic I can get, which 99.9% of the time is Mobil1. Walmart has the 5 quart jug for $24 plus 1 quart for $5, and costco has the 6 quart case for $33. If you can get a quality full synthetic for less than that, by all means, run that.