curious why you would recommend someone use an oil that did not meet Chryslers ms-6395 spec on a brand new vehicle that was still under warranty? I believe Mobil1 is as good as it gets but until Chrysler says it is meets their specs I won't use it on a Chrysler product that is under warranty. Simply because its is a Chrysler it is going to have engine troubles lol.
I explained this in an exhaustive manner on another forum, but I'll repeat it here just so we have some clear info.
1) Lets dispell the certification. Mobil was chrysler's choice oil and only fairly recently they switched to Pennzoil (mopar oil is now pennzoil.) A while back, chrysler changed their certification requirements, so Mobil1 was bumped out. It's not that Mobil doesn't meet the certification, its just that they are in the process of obtaining it, and the process takes 2 years. It isn't a "quality" issue that mobil1 doesn't meet the specs, it just needs to run all the tests so that they are able to certify it. Lab test results still put Mobil 1 far above 95% of synthetic oils on the market.
2) Law. By law, no manufacturer can force a customer to maintain their vehicle at the dealership. If that were the case, oil changes would cost $5000 at the dealer. Manufacturers also cannot demand that customers know anything about cars. As a result, the majority of people (unless you are getting free service like BMW) use quick lube places for oil. Mobil is still the #1 supplier of oil to manufacturers and quick lube joints. If a customer rolls to a Jiffy Lube and asks for their oil to be changed, more likely than not, it will be mobil oil that gets put in.
3) Proof of I stated in point #1, Mobil1 has proven to be far superior to most lubricants. If your motor grenaded from something, the chances of them blaming the oil (or even knowing anything about oil) are one in a million. They would need to send the oil out to a lab to TRY and figure out what oil was used, which would be nearly impossible, since traces of other oil would be there. Then they would need to (if they REALLY wanted to stick it to you) run their own wear tests to prove that your oil was inadequate for the motor, which obviously they can't prove since Mobil1 is superior to most anyway. They would have absolutely nothing in court if it ever came to that....but it never would because no dealer/chrysler will ever lay out the money for lab tests, arbitration costs, etc.
The point is, it is a non issue. Mobil1 would never be responsible for any engine problems, nor would a dealer/chrysler EVER be able to prove it. I have run countless labstests on my racemotors with various oils, and Mobil1 consistently returned fantastic results. Mobil1 is the standard oil on some of the best engines in the world (Lamborghini, bentley, AMG, BMW M cars, Aston Martin, etc etc etc) so again, Mobil1 causing any kind of problems on the pentastar would never happen.
When I switched my 2012 to Mobil1, I IMMEDIATELY noticed the engine ran smoother, much quieter, and never had a head tick.
Having said ALL that, if you are really THAT paranoid about it, then do what I said, (buy the cheapest fully synthetic big brand oil) but disregard Mobil1. Run Castrol, Valvoline, etc.