241OR T-Case Question...


New member
So I picked up a t-case from the salvage yard and decided to put in the Teraflex 2Lo Kit. Got the t-case apart and I was inspecting it for damage on the inside. Everything looks REAL good to me.

However, there's a little block on the edge that looks like it has a seal or some RTV around it. It's loose but attached to the sealant. I noticed part of the sealant is pulled away... Im wondering if I should pull the block and clean it then put it back with some RTV around it? Is there a special seal or sealant? Or should I leave it alone?

It's a magnet! For the shavings I bet...

Definitely going to clean it and put it back in place with some RTV around the edges. Should I put some grease on it like on the diff plug?
Hard to get perspective from the photo, but it looks like the oil pump. I remember it from doing a Tcase repair a few years ago. I installed 2low kit at the same time that I did the repair. Hope you enjoy it, I did.
The oil pump is on the other side... It's definitely a magnet I pulled it and cleaned it.

I got it reassembled but not sealed. Want to take a look at it again tomorrow when I'm not exhausted. Right now it doesn't feel like things are seated correctly. I expected the two halves to slide completely together and they are about 1/4 of an inch apart.

Here's a couple pictures with the gear installed...

Hopefully I aligned it right. It's not clear to me from the instructions if I did it correctly.

Closer inspection of the instructions for the install state I should remove the retaining rings that hold the front and rear sprockets in place.. I saw no retaining rings.
Okay took it apart and reseated everything. Feels much better now but still a gap between the halves.

What do you guy think? Is it right and I need to press harder for the spring? Or is something still not set right inside?

Yup, 2x! Don't force it. In addition to what was said above, the pins are also directional. One end is more pointed than the other. When everything is aligned the case will fit together. Forcing it will only result in a broken case half.
I got it back together in the end. It wasn't the guide pins.. It was a little ring in the oil pump assembly shifting around... Here are pictures...

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