It cost $23 in quarters to get about 90% off lol. I didn’t want to bring that stuff home. I just got home. Drove a bunch of miles but had a blast. It was a great time!
For all the mud we had on our Jeep, I'm surprised you were able to do as much as you did with $23 LOL
Just got home and just wanted to say I had a HELL of a great time on the 2023 New Years run! Thank you Eddie and Cindy for organizing this run and showing us around, and I'm already looking forward to the next 😎

It was great to see/make good friends and go out wheeling with a bunch of good people. Cheers to 2023!
Awesome! Happy to hear you had a great time and so glad that you were able to join us in the fun. (y)
Another awesome adventure. New places to explore, great people to do it with.
A little mud, but hey, the weather was perfect.
Thanks Eddie and Cindy for your passion in making these trips happen.
Michelle and I truly enjoy them.
It's aways great to have you and Michelle join us on these runs. Glad you had a good time and great pics!!
Thank you Eddie and Cindy for another awesome trip!! Was great seeing and hanging out with everyone, always a fun group. I’m hoping tonights rain will miraculously clean the Jeep.
It's been great having you out on this run and we're glad that you had a good time. The Hoover Dam yesterday was cool too.

As far as that miracle goes... yeah, good luck with that 🤪
Thanks Cindy and Eddie for another successful New Year's run. It's fun driving around in the OC with all
the red mud but, hope it rains hard for the next few days. Thanks again.
It was great to get out on the trail with you again (y)
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