2016 Wayalife End of Summer WINDROCK Run - Official Event Thread

Wind rock event

Hey, I'm trying to register for the upcoming Windrock trip. I can't seem to find any registration info.
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Guessing you have first hand experience. Better to worry about getting back to a trailer than to worry about how you are getting home in my opinion

Home off the trail a lot of times they require the same repair. Im with you though a trailer makes you feel better about pushing limits.
Thanks, but I'm still not seeing any place to register. I'll keep lookin.

Just post up here that you want to be added to whatever group you feel comfortable wheeling in.

Be sure your rig meets the requirements for that group as found in the first post of this thread as there will be a tech inspection.

Let us know what days you plan on attending and how many people you will have with you.

That's pretty much all you need to do. Trevor will add you to the list and get you assigned to a group.

There's a lot of helpful info in the first post of this thread. If you have any questions, just post up and we'll get you squared away.
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