2016 Wayalife End of Summer WINDROCK Run - Official Event Thread

EVENT UPDATE: (All of the below information has been added to the first post)

There will be a tech inspection at check-in for the event. You MUST check-in and be inspected prior to running with the groups. Check-ins will occur the majority of the day Thursday, as well as 30 minutes prior to meet up times on Friday and Saturday. Your rig will be inspected and classified based on it's equipment. (i.e. If your rig meets the qualification for the Advanced group, you will be able to run with Advanced or any group below.) This will make it easier for group leaders to ensure that rigs are capable of running in the group they are leading without having to fully inspect the rig.

There will be night runs on Thursday night and Friday night. We will have 2 different groups each night (Advanced and Intermediate). As of right now the groups will meet at the General Store at 8:00pm and head towards the trail by 8:30pm. There will NOT be a night run on Saturday night, as that will be the night for everyone to hang out at the Group Campground pavilion for food and such. Still working on putting something together for a dinner for everyone.

As I get more details ironed out, I will continue to update the first post.
The whole idea of the inspections does have a lot to do with the rig's setup, but it's also about classifying them to make it easier for grouping during runs.
The whole idea of the inspections does have a lot to do with the rig's setup, but it's also about classifying them to make it easier for grouping during runs.

I got ya buddy! I'll try and borrow a buddies 37 as a spare for the weekend lol
If you have the ability to not care about fucking up a wheel, why not just buy a damn spare?

Lol well for the JK I have 5 tires just need a 5th wheel. Last time I drove the juggy out cause wheel was bent and mike was too much of a puss to go back to the truck and bring my spare back.

EDIT: Plus being prepared is just no fun [emoji23] you lose half the adventure.
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