2015 WAYALIFE Rockin Rubicon Run Photo Highlights

LOL!! Okay, I just noticed that I had a couple of my posts out of order and have since moved them to the front of the thread where they belong. They are essentially shots from our 2nd and 3rd day at Rubicon Springs as well as shots from a bonus run we did. So, if you didn't see them the first time around, go back to the first page and you can see them now :crazyeyes:
The pictures are great and the smiles on everyone's face tell of an epic trip! :yup::yup:
Thanks for sharing :rock:
Thank you everyone for the well wishes to me and Andrew!! We couldn't be happier, and as much as the trip in itself is epic it is All Of YOU that have made this so memorable!

I cannot say enough about the organization and leadership. We were welcomed in as old friends even when we rolled into Camp Wayalife a little lateImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437407985.139830.jpg (more thanks to all who stayed!) Although we did learn how to use the Rotocans after rolling into Nevada :yup: ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437407864.577822.jpg
and spent a little extra time in the foothills of Wyoming . What's more exciting after multiple days and states of farmland but a little elevation?!ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437408197.323614.jpg

We were given a shot of none other but some American honey and off to Tahoe we went for the night. The next day was a blur of stripping doors and roofs, ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437408517.333826.jpg
some pre- wheeling that blew our minds! ( and we weren't even on the actual trails yet, no we don't have anything like prison hill at home),ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437408606.804095.jpg
Also our first taste of the dust out here (don't have That back east either)
Back for packing, drivers meeting and a great time harassing everyone now at our first dinner together! I know I bounced around and you all had your first regrets of inviting me out! Hahahahaha

0600 did not come quick enough, even with Eddies countdown to rollout! "15 mins be ready! 10, 5, (over CB now) -3, 2 we're rolling!"
A little chilly but we made it! Some more excited then other at that time
In the morning but, hey what can you say.

Amazing,awesome,breathtaking, beautiful, challenging, dusty, epic, excellent, fantastic, gorgeous...jeepthing...Rocking Rubicon... Wonderful, Wayalife...down to Z and everything in between to describe it all!
Who could ask for a better place to be proposed to?!
Or for such a party to have after!

It happened. We made it. Not only across country without killing each other, but to THE Rubicon!!!! (yes it a big deal all you westies that do it numerous times a year!) people always say one day, eventually, maybe next year... But live for today, in the moment and in real life not just through phones or the Internet. I may not have extensive jeep wrenching knowledge, but I can drive any obstacle with a little help from friends to spot and guide, and I did it with all of you!

There was never a moment of not fitting in....
well besides the accent thing :)
clickyness, or boredom. Honestly I never read through these threads before or even watched all the videos in their entirety because it was something I couldn't get to for so long, and was more depressing for me then fun.
you will never understand the sheer emotions and reactions until you live it. I will never forget this experience, will hope to live it again, (sooner rather then later!), and will re- live it through all of the memories, recorded in mind and on tape with all of you.
Thank you thank you thank you to each one of you, big and small.

Our trip is still only half over, we will still continue down the Cali coast (check out the explore San Fran day for the adventure tour my New Wayalife family took us on 👍🏼) downs PCH, shoot east around LA towards Sedona, Memphis, DC and home to Boston. I'll continue to update in the rocking rubicon. Or on Instagram itsjulieyoung
And a special thanks again, to Eddie and Cindy for the hospitality, with their garage space and tools, knowledge, leadership, kindness, generosity, guidance, information, photography, patience and everything in between.
You welcomed the crazy east in, and even knew and helped with my new life adventure I came into! ( Still can't believe how many people knew Wyatt before me! ) and even continued on and took extra time to play. The bonus run was more then we could've asked for.

You've brought together such a great group of people. Thank you all!!! And we wear all our gear proudly, you'll see it all over.

Cheers to both of you and the crew that came together! Until next time..
And a special thanks again, to Eddie and Cindy for the hospitality, with their garage space and tools, knowledge, leadership, kindness, generosity, guidance, information, photography, patience and everything in between.
You welcomed the crazy east in, and even knew and helped with my new life adventure I came into! ( Still can't believe how many people knew Wyatt before me! ) and even continued on and took extra time to play. The bonus run was more then we could've asked for.

You've brought together such a great group of people. Thank you all!!! And we wear all our gear proudly, you'll see it all over.

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Cheers to both of you and the crew that came together! Until next time..

It was great getting to meet you all and spending the extra time on all the bonus runs, pre and post, too. CONGRATS on the engagement Julie and Andrew! Certainly a trip to remember for all of us. Safe travels to you all. For those making the stop, you guys will absolutely love Sedona! Another great part of the West. :yup:
And a special thanks again, to Eddie and Cindy for the hospitality, with their garage space and tools, knowledge, leadership, kindness, generosity, guidance, information, photography, patience and everything in between.
You welcomed the crazy east in, and even knew and helped with my new life adventure I came into! ( Still can't believe how many people knew Wyatt before me! ) and even continued on and took extra time to play. The bonus run was more then we could've asked for.

Cheers to both of you and the crew that came together! Until next time..

Wow, what awesome pics and post to match!! Cindy and I really appreciate the kind words and hope you know that it really was our pleasure to meet you, Andrew, Dom, Robbie, Bill, Jay, Alana and Keagan. You guys are always welcome out here and I do hope the next time is sooner than later.

Enjoy your extended trip around America and keep us posted with pics of all the places you visit along the way. :yup:
Julie - that's one of the nicest things I've read. The pleasure is all ours. Goes without saying, but you and Andrew (and young roads) always have a place to stay in Cali! Hell, even fly out and we'll get you a jeep to drive! Great meeting both of you!
Looks like one hell of a good time, look forward to joining in the fun someday...

Thanks for sharing the awesome photos! Love the wave...
Julie - that's one of the nicest things I've read. The pleasure is all ours. Goes without saying, but you and Andrew (and young roads) always have a place to stay in Cali! Hell, even fly out and we'll get you a jeep to drive! Great meeting both of you!

Sounds like you should ask you wife before offering up one of her Jeeps! LOL
By the way,
I'm thoroughly impressed with the overall pit crew skills displayed by Eddie and everyone else. The trip turned into an auto parts "pot-luck" towards the end.
Wow, What an amazing trip! I knew when Andrew and I first talked about doing the Rubicon over a year ago it would be an epic adventure but little did I know just how much awesome sauce it would actually contain…

With so much time in planning and lots of pavement between us and the iconic trail, this trip was about more than just the trail itself, but also meeting friends in person that Wayalife has brought together through the forum.

Since we are a “stop and smell the roses” kind of family, our trip and pictures started far before our arrival at Camp Wayalife.

We started out 5 days before the run (Thursday, July 9th)
After Alana got off work we hit the road. The plan was to work our way over to just outside St. Louis, covering some fairly boring and familiar land through OH, KY, IN, and IL.

4 days before the run (Friday, July 10th)

It’s hard to justify rolling through St. Louis without stopping by the arch so we did just that. The first picture is of the old courthouse rotunda.


From the bottom of the south leg…


Kegan at the top (and not liking the height)


View from the top out the window


After we wrapped up in St. Louis, we needed to shake-n-bake our way across MO and most of KS. Our goal was to make sunset at Monument Rocks. This is a surreal place that, after traveling almost 11 miles of dirt road, we had all to ourselves. The breeze was perfect and its sights were breath-taking.







We had about an hour drive to our night’s stay at the hotel. It’s a shame the pictures and video didn’t come out too well of it, but there was a massive storm brewing that we swore we were going to get hit by. After a radar check we learned that the storm was actually nearly 50 miles away. In the vast open sky it seems as though we could roll down the window and touch it…

3 days before the run (Saturday, July 11th)

Today would be a long one…The only planned stop was Pikes Peak. This added diversion would make for nearly a 19 hour day in the Jeep. Thankfully it was worth it!

This picture is where the mountain was first revealing itself to us.


Kegan was fairly alert at this point LOL!


We ended up not taking too many pictures of note on the way up. Honestly, we just let our eyes take it all in.
At the Summit. I’m confused as to what the height actually is. Half of the listed documents and shirts said 14115 feet and the other say 14110. Either way, it’s damn high!



We did take some pictures on the way down... Notice you can actually see the curvature of the earth (Cool)



This was on a dirt road diversion from the paved road. It lead to some reservoirs and offered some amazing views of the mountain in the background.


On the road again and while working our way back to the interstate we stumbled on a really nice road.


Even the interstate through Colorado was pretty amazing. Unfortunately, moving at over 70MPH and winding through mountains isn’t the easiest of ways to capture any of it other than through direct experience.


Leaving Colorado and into Utah very close to sunset so we stopped at a rest area to take it in…


Most of our Utah travel was sadly in the cover of darkness where we had spent a bit too much time on Pikes Peak.

2 days before the run (Sunday, July 12th)

I-70 dead ends into I-15 where you either need to go north or south a bit before continuing west. We opted for “Plan-B”. We grabbed a local Utah map, filled up the gas tank and continued the voyage by dirt/gravel road for the next 110 miles until we rejoined US-50.


As we passed this little oasis in the desert, a jack rabbit hopped out along the road and raced us for quite some time. We all learned that their ears work like a gas pedal. Ears down and they are on the gas hard, ears up…not so much. (Yes, I lost! They are quick!)



While taking the picture above… Alana noticed I was being watched LOL



About half way out US-50 we were contacted by Eddie that some guys had started to arrive and they decided to have a BBQ. After his invite, we reset our course and headed over!


This is where we were so overwhelmed with everyone and the hospitality being extended to us that we got a little caught up in the moment and didn’t grab a single pic. We hung out, had a drink and waited the rest of the “true” Easties to arrive.

1 day before the run (Monday, July 13th)

No pictures, just hanging with everyone and making preps for the following day

Trail Day! (Tuesday, July 14th)

Lined up and ready to roll out!




Let’s get this thing started!




Little Sluice



Somewhere…LOL Thank goodness for Eddie and Cindy, we were so lost by now!







Group one back out and at the top of Cadillac hill (waiting on all the other slow pokes).



As if they hadn’t done enough, Eddie and Cindy offered to lead for a bonus run to some snow sheds. (I’ll admit that this Ohio boy had no idea what it was when we set out.)



On the way out from the snow sheds, Eddie took a pause at a marker for the Truckee Trail. We didn’t realize it at this time, but this would end up being a theme for the first half of our return trip home.


We stopped at another marker for the California Trail along I-80 on our way home.


Then, we stopped at the California Trail Interpretive Center / Museum in Elko, NV for some knowledge ball growing on the trails and how they all connected.



Our next stop was at the Bonneville Salt Flats. (Had to stop for a photo op LOL)



Andrew and Julie twisted our arm into an interstate diversion along WY-130 in Wyoming. It was a pretty nice and scenic drive during a much needed break from the interstate.





Then, after rejoining the interstate and tiring of it again, we took another path through a large portion of Nebraska (NE-2 to I-29 to US-36)


By this point we were starting to smell the barn and put an all-out focus into getting home.

5124 miles, 13 States, and one EPIC trip… we are home.


This really was a trip of a lifetime for our family and I thank all of you for being a part of it, especially Eddie and Cindy. We would not have experienced the Rubicon as well under any other guidance. It was a pleasure to meet all of you and finally put faces to names.
Congrats and good luck to Andrew and Julie. (I’m thankful I don’t have to keep the secret anymore!)


…..So, who is with us for Moab?
Wow, What an amazing trip! I knew when Andrew and I first talked about doing the Rubicon over a year ago it would be an epic adventure but little did I know just how much awesome sauce it would actually contain…

With so much time in planning and lots of pavement between us and the iconic trail, this trip was about more than just the trail itself, but also meeting friends in person that Wayalife has brought together through the forum.

Since we are a “stop and smell the roses” kind of family, our trip and pictures started far before our arrival at Camp Wayalife.

We started out 5 days before the run (Thursday, July 9th)
After Alana got off work we hit the road. The plan was to work our way over to just outside St. Louis, covering some fairly boring and familiar land through OH, KY, IN, and IL.

Awesome pictures, and story! I only hope to do this one day! Thanks for sharing them.
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