Guy with a Red 2-Door
As mentioned, the RK mid arms have a shortest length that are about 1.5" longer than stock. Even at 3"-4" of lift, you don't really need to be more than 3/8" longer than stock to get your axles centered and going more than that will cause enough coil bow in the rear to cause them to make contact with your rear track bar unless you install new adjustable lower spring perches. Wedges alone will not be enough especially on a 2-door. Up front, you can have enough bow to cause the driverside coil hit the sway bar and the passenger side to drag on the bump stop tower. Just something to be aware of.
As far as drive shafts go, if you decide to get a Tom Woods, be sure to pay for upgraded Neapco or Spicer joints. The Chinese joints he uses standard are ones that I see fail all the time.
Oh boy. Its like you've been through it alreadyshort arm it is.
yea what eddie said. the RK mid arms are to long. i have them on my 2 door and its a purchase i could rewind. i didnt do my research like i did for everything else and just bought. :doh::doh::doh::doh: i ended up having to modify my rear lower arm to stock length just to get my trackbar our from inbetween my coils and even then i still needed correction wedges to get it our completely.