2013 JK-Experience

"Remember this too.....no one likes a "shitbag, lazy ass, never gets out of the jeep to help anyone out, never has the part or fluids or tools, but when his broke ass rig is blocking the trail he's the first to scream and cry for help and then doesn't even lend a hand to fix his own pile of broken crap" kind of offroader."

Rats!! Guess I'm eliminated from the 2013 JKX!!:cheesy: I'll have to live it vicariously through another epic series of videos.:yup:
Congrats!!! Odd question tho, I see a insert on his driver side hood, what's it for? If his snorkel is on the other side?
Awesome! Congrats!

I am excited for the pictures and videos already and it is 4 months away, can't imagine those that are going.
I do not meet the requirements, nor do I have the wallet for something like this in the immediate future.. But it's definitely on my bucket list. a couple questions though.. What's a trip like this usually cost an individual (gas and food wise). I've seen on the videos that food is often catered, but is that Everytime? And being that so many manufactures sponsor this event.. Do they sell parts to those who break down on the trail at a discounted price, or does each person who breaks down responsible for finding his own parts in undisclosed cities/towns.

When I was invited for the 2012 I started to save knowing that I had alot of miles to cover to get there. Mileage alone I drove 11783km (Canadian) worked out to just over $2600 in fuel alone. Ask me if I would do it again and the answer would be hell yes. Next time it will be on 40's and a set of 60 axles.
JK-Experience just posted the next invited guest...

Next invited guest for the 2013 JKX presented by Nitto.....IS......David Ehlers from Burbank, California.


Congrats to you!
Awesome. Congrats brother. I was in Burbank last week, and if my memory serves me correct I spotted you on the 5 freeway. :thumb::rock:
JKX just posted up another guest:

We would like to welcome a very special guest who has been with us since the first JKX.....Representing ya'all in TEXAS, welcome Randy Byers to the 2013 JKX presented by Nitto!

Congrats Randy!
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