2012 Jeep JK Wrangler Check Engine Light on RubiCAT - P0306

is it happening in other variations of the engine/models? If not, who is the mad man with 30K miles on his 2012 already?

the 3.6 is a new motor that's being installed on all chrysler products and if i recal, the problem first surfaced on one of their other vehicles.
Da runt was built 11-11 and had the valve train replaced at 5k. Guess I got mine done before the head shortage :)
Got a call monday that all parts came in to do my head replacement, dropped the jeep off monday after work and was told would be ready in a day or two. I should be picking it up today after work will let you know how she runs.
Thanks Eddie I am on the process of buy a lift for it and I am a little scared about the warranty. I am welling to give up the warranty on the suspension sure don't want to take a hit on a defect that they are aware of.
Hey guys. Had my wife take my '12 in yesterday (I'm away from home for a few months). It's had the tick for a while, I thought it might be normal until I read these posts about. Then I also got an engine light up. She took it in and they said the tick was normal. They reprogrammed the computer saying the cylinder was firing "funny". Jeep still ticks. Should I find a new dealer or wait for another engine light?
As some of you may know, we just got done spending the last 5 weeks up in Tahoe and, while we were doing one of our many treks out into the northern Nevada Desert, we ended up filling up once with 88 octane as that was the only thing available at the time. I should note that doing so effectively turned off our Check Engine Light and it stayed off until we were well into our next tank of 87 octane gas. Hard to think that this was just a coinscidence and though I would post it up here for the record.
I've got an 11 and all I run is 89. My wife's 04 Grand Cherokee would spark knock on 87 so when we got my JK I was scared of the same thing.
Just an update to let you all know where we're at with this, we got a call from our dealership about a month ago and was told that they were able to order up a new head and without having to take apart our Jeep first. We were also told that this would in fact be covered under warranty so, all is totally good there. About a week ago, we finally got the green light to bring in our Jeep to have the repair made and on Friday, we got a call saying that Rubicat was ready to go. The good news was that everything was covered under warranty just as promised but, the bad news was, just as they were bringing our Jeep out, they noticed that the engine was running rough and that the CHECK ENGINE light had come back on. Hoping that it was something dumb like a loose plug wire, they popped open the hood to give everything a quick look but unfortunately, they couldn't find anything that easy. If you can believe it, after hooking up a scan tool, they found that we now had a misfire in cylinder #2. Needless to say, we're still out of a Jeep :sigh:

On a positive note, I just wanted to say that unlike experiences we've had with other Jeep dealerships, Bob Baker in Carlsbad, CA has been extremely helpful and professional in their dealings with us. Our service advisor Randy Folds has been great to us and I would highly recommend their services to anyone in the area.
wow that sucks but its a good thing that its covered! If they are having problems that bad they should just replace them all. :yup:
Was your problem resolved?
I just fixed same issue on mine so far so good (4 days). Mechanic said it might come back and I was thinking, if it'll come back again i will try to replace the whole engine. What you think?
Was your problem resolved?
I just fixed same issue on mine so far so good (4 days). Mechanic said it might come back and I was thinking, if it'll come back again i will try to replace the whole engine. What you think?

Yes, they finally got everything fixed or, so far as I can tell. Haven't had too much time to really test it out as we had been gone for a while but, I'll be sure to post up any new news if it comes up.
A new cylinder head, but with a whoosh

I had my 2012 JK (purchased in November 2011) diagnosed by Rancho Jeep in San Diego. I was told the national backorder was running between six and eight weeks. When I hadn't heard from the dealership after ten weeks, I phoned, and a day or two later I received a call that my replacement part had arrived.

I dropped off the vehicle at the dealership on Wednesday of last week and got it back on Saturday. The service advisor told that several JKs had the repair done that week.

So far everything seems okay, except for the sound of rushing liquid when I accelerate in the morning. I presume that's air in the cooling system (the sound goes away once the engine is warm). I'll have to find out what best way to take care of that might be.
yeah, it was a pain to get fixed but, we're glad that we finally got ours done. so far, all seems good and, we feel a bit more power again too.

as far as your 'rushing liquid' sound goes, where does it sound like it's coming from and is it a long or short sound? wierd.
The sound of rushing liquid seems to come from just beyond the dash on the passenger side. I checked the error codes and got P0688, which may indicate a problem with the ASD service. I have another appointment with the dealership on Monday.
i have the same rushing water sound....I was told that it is air in the heater core that is trapped and the radiator needs to be burped to remove the air from the coolant system.
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