Just an update to let you all know where we're at with this, we got a call from our dealership about a month ago and was told that they were able to order up a new head and without having to take apart our Jeep first. We were also told that this would in fact be covered under warranty so, all is totally good there. About a week ago, we finally got the green light to bring in our Jeep to have the repair made and on Friday, we got a call saying that Rubicat was ready to go. The good news was that everything was covered under warranty just as promised but, the bad news was, just as they were bringing our Jeep out, they noticed that the engine was running rough and that the CHECK ENGINE light had come back on. Hoping that it was something dumb like a loose plug wire, they popped open the hood to give everything a quick look but unfortunately, they couldn't find anything that easy. If you can believe it, after hooking up a scan tool, they found that we now had a misfire in cylinder #2. Needless to say, we're still out of a Jeep :sigh:
On a positive note, I just wanted to say that unlike experiences we've had with other Jeep dealerships, Bob Baker in Carlsbad, CA has been extremely helpful and professional in their dealings with us. Our service advisor Randy Folds has been great to us and I would highly recommend their services to anyone in the area.