2012 Jeep JK 3.6L Check Engine Code P06dd

Not to change topic but I was out wheeling Sunday and I had a cylinder 6 misfire code P0306. It stayed on till I got home I disconnected the battery for 30 min and no light was good to go but not sure what caused it to happen if anyone knows why I would like to hear why. I have a 2012 jku
Not to change topic but I was out wheeling Sunday and I had a cylinder 6 misfire code P0306. It stayed on till I got home I disconnected the battery for 30 min and no light was good to go but not sure what caused it to happen if anyone knows why I would like to hear why. I have a 2012 jku

Sounds like a symptom of a bad head. Take it to the dealer.
Not to change topic but I was out wheeling Sunday and I had a cylinder 6 misfire code P0306. It stayed on till I got home I disconnected the battery for 30 min and no light was good to go but not sure what caused it to happen if anyone knows why I would like to hear why. I have a 2012 jku

Take a look at this link for some head replacement info:
My code last week and nothing above 3000 rpms was due to low oil pressure as well! I asked if the oil pressure light should've come on and the dealer said no because that sensor is for the core and the core oil level was ok. I did run about 400 miles at 4000-6000 rpms at Mach 3 on JKX though. That being said the oil was changed about two weeks beforehand. The dealer changed the oil and its been good since. Not having tons of faith.

To funny, I changed my oil before JKX. I too was low on oil..
is there anyway you guys can plumb in an aftermarket oil pressure guage? :thinking: that would help you receive additional heads up, also anyone have any idea why it burns so much oil wheeling? bad oil control ring design or what?
Well I got the code off and the check engine light off now I wander if I do have a bad head I have a small tick also. Guess I will be going to the dealer once the light comes back on.
this is very concerning. Is anyone with newer than 2012's experiencing this?

2013 here and I got the code last month. I took it to the dealer and they told me my oil was filthy. They changed the oil and filter and cleared the code. It's been good so far, especially from my road trip this past weekend from Vegas to Irvine. What's odd is that I have a maintenance plan with them and the oil gets changed every 3k.

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Well I got the code off and the check engine light off now I wander if I do have a bad head I have a small tick also. Guess I will be going to the dealer once the light comes back on.

I had it come on about every 500 miles after the first time. It eventually became persistent. They eventually gave me a new head and had to replace a bad wiring harness. That was after they had just cleared it out and told me I was g2g three different times. Everything has been good since took her out last weekend and ran three trails, mostly uphill, with no oil burn or any other issues.
this is very concerning. Is anyone with newer than 2012's experiencing this?
Bought my JKUR in March, 2013. Threw this code on a paved uphill at 45 mph...the tach rose to somewhere between 3500 and 5500 and it cut the throttle and the engine light came on. I lifted off the throttle and after 2 seconds or so, power returned and I was able to continue up the hill at about 25 mph or so. The check engine light stayed on for a few days afterward, but the jeep drove normally. It showed me this code in the odometer when I did the "twist the key 3 times" dance. Dealership said the oil level was fine (btw they just changed the oil a few weeks prior) and claimed that they fixed the issue with a "software upgrade". 6 weeks later, on a similar uphill climb at around 45 mph, it occurred again. The check engine light stayed on for two days, but it would not give me any code in the odometer. Oil level was fine. A day later the light cleared. Two days later, on a straightaway at around 45 mph, while accelerating, it happened again. This time, the Jeep would not let me accelerate at all (it continued decelerating) until I manually shifted (Mine is a 5-speed automatic) into 3rd gear, then it began to accelerate, then i manually shifted to 4th, then i continued driving. It gave me no code in the odometer. Oil level was fine. A day later the light cleared. Taking it to the dealership again in 4 days.

Can anyone help? Has anyone experienced this behavior in a 2013 and found the cause or solution??

Dealer will not do anything becaise the code cleared on it's own and the tech could not replicate the issue. Has ANYONE else had this issue? Can you help me determine how to replicate it?
Assuming you have enough oil and you are using Mopar filters, it's hard to say. Best I can suggest is wait till you throw the code again and make sure to take it right to your dealership.
Add to the data points here.

2013 JKUR
Changed my oil last night: 33,500 miles ~1.5 quarts low
Last change was at 27,850 on 2013-01-05 with good full synth stuff.

Use patterns: 9-5 commuting from Suburbs to Downtown LA
Since the last change I've been to Tecopa, Panamint->Death Valley, Sequoia, Saline Valley (south->steele->north->spring->north), and a bunch of closer adventure-y stuff.
Bought my JKUR in March, 2013. Threw this code on a paved uphill at 45 mph...the tach rose to somewhere between 3500 and 5500 and it cut the throttle and the engine light came on. I lifted off the throttle and after 2 seconds or so, power returned and I was able to continue up the hill at about 25 mph or so. The check engine light stayed on for a few days afterward, but the jeep drove normally. It showed me this code in the odometer when I did the "twist the key 3 times" dance. Dealership said the oil level was fine (btw they just changed the oil a few weeks prior) and claimed that they fixed the issue with a "software upgrade". 6 weeks later, on a similar uphill climb at around 45 mph, it occurred again. The check engine light stayed on for two days, but it would not give me any code in the odometer. Oil level was fine. A day later the light cleared. Two days later, on a straightaway at around 45 mph, while accelerating, it happened again. This time, the Jeep would not let me accelerate at all (it continued decelerating) until I manually shifted (Mine is a 5-speed automatic) into 3rd gear, then it began to accelerate, then i manually shifted to 4th, then i continued driving. It gave me no code in the odometer. Oil level was fine. A day later the light cleared. Taking it to the dealership again in 4 days.

Can anyone help? Has anyone experienced this behavior in a 2013 and found the cause or solution??

I'm finally resolving this issue. For those who are experiencing this issue, here is an update that might help you: Many times when I accelerate beyond 3000 or 3500 rpm, my CEL comes on and computer kills the throttle, then after 3 or 4 seconds, the power slowly returns and I have full power until I accelerate beyond 3000 or 3500 rpm, at which time it kills the throttle again. I took it to the dealership FOUR times for this issue. Each time, by the time the dealer will fit me in to their schedule, the CEL has turned off (usually after one to three days), and the dealer will not take any action because there is no code stored. This morning, on the way to the dealer, the light turned off, so I accelerated above 5000 RPM and the CEL came on and it stored code P06dd again. FINALLY. Dealer FINALLY agreed to replace the oil pressure switch (I believe that is the same part as others have referred to as the "solenoid on the oil pump". Unfortunately, as others have noted here, the switch is probably not the cause of the issue (it's probably the oil pump that is causing the issue), therefore after they replace the switch, this issue might reoccur, in which case I will have to fight AGAIN to get them to replace the oil pump.
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